Lecture Series

One of the key activities of ICOS is organizing and hosting lectures in distinct lecture series. These series address historical and topical issues in Olympic and Paralympic research. Each series is named after and celebrates the achievements of scholars and administrators who have made significant contributions to Olympic research or the advancement of the Olympic and Paralympic movement.

The Robert K. Barney Lecture

Bob Barney and Angela Schneider hold the plague for the Robert K. Barney Lecture ICOS founding director Robert Barney and current director Angela Schneider hold the plaque that commemorates Barney's 2022 inaugural lecture in ICOS' newest lecture series.

Western at the Olympics Lecture

Al Morrow and Anglea Schneider hold a plaque The 2nd annual “Western at the Olympics” Homecoming event featured guest lecturer Al Morrow. This lecture is co-hosted by the International Centre for Olympic Studies (ICOS) and the Western Mustangs Alumni Association (WMAA).

The Earle F. Zeigler Lecture

fpo Dongguan Pei, Beijing Institute of Physical Education, delivers the 17th Zeigler Lecture, 2006.

The John Howard Crocker Lecture

Robert K. Barney Robert Barney delivers the 2009 Crocker Lecture - ICOS' 20th anniversary.

The Ion P. Ioannides Lecture

Wendy Raschke Dr. Wendy Raschke, University of California, delivering the 11th Ioannides Lecture in 1996.

ICOS hosted a lecture series before its formal establishment in 1990. The Ion P. Ioannides Memorial Lecture series began in 1986 with a lecture by Nigel Crowther.

The John Howard Crocker Lecture Series began with Bruce Kidd's lecture in 1990.

The Earle F. Zeigler Lecture cycle was also established in 1990 by the Faculty of Kinesiology at Western University to honor Earle Zeigler, the Faculty's first Dean. Gerry Glassford delivered the inaugural lecture in this series the same year.

Responsibility for the Zeigler Lecture cycle was transferred to ICOS in 1998.

Western at the Olympics was introduced in 2021, and the Robert K. Barney Lecture was introduced in 2022.

Over seventy lectures have been delivered by academics whose Olympic research is recognized worldwide.