Student Life
Biology Undergraduate Society

BUGS is a student-run, department-backed organization at Western whose main goal is to bridge the divide between student and faculty. For only $5.00, we offer students membership into one of the largest and most important student-run organizations at Western. If you're a student taking courses offered by the biology department, or even courses offered in the medical sciences, we have much to offer you. From information sessions, to tours of high-tech facilities on campus, to our MCAT help, and our opportunities to take leadership roles, BUGS is an organization that will help you get the most out of your time as undergraduate student at Western.
Science Internship Program

The Science Internship Program is a cooperative education opportunity for undergraduate Science/Basic Medical Science students. The program will facilitate paid and career-related placements for qualified students who will work full-time for 8 to 16 months, following the third year of study. As with a traditional co-op degree, graduation is delayed by one year while the student acquires marketable skills and work experience. Internship placement opportunities may be available in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. The total number of placements per year will vary based on the individual needs of participating employers.
Science Students' Council

The Science Students' Council (SSC) is committed to delivering a broader undergraduate experience for all Science and Basic Medical Sciences students at Western University. Regardless of your level of involvement in student life, the SSC is there for you and aims to assist you academically and socially. Science Students' Council is composed of over forty members of the science community, including elected representatives that serve as your voice within our supporting Faculties, and appointed commissioners responsible for improving your undergraduate experience. We are your link to the University Students' Council, the University Senate and the various departments within the Faculty of Science and the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Leadership and Learning

Western University's Leadership and Learning centre provides academic support and engagement, propel entrepreneurship, help with careers and experiences, and indigenous services. We support students academic, personal, and professional growth. When students participate in our programming and receive support from our team, they discover and develop their strengths, establish their academic identity, engage in leadership and learning opportunities, and build the confidence and competence they need to thrive.