Paul M.J. Potter
Adjunct Professor in Classics
Chair, Department of History of Medicine
MD (McGill), MA (McMaster), Dr. phil. (Kiel)
Department of History of Medicine
University of Western Ontario
Research Interests:
- Greek medicine
Current Projects:
- Ein furhrung in die antike Medizin (together with Beate Gundert) to be published by the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (Darmstadt).
Selected Publications:
- Psyche and Soma. Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2000: edited by John P. Wright and Paul Potter.
- "Why We Go Back to Hippocrates", American Osler Society McGivern Lecture, Loma Linda CA, 1999.
- "Hippocrates von Kos", article in the Neue Pauly, vol.5, col.590-9, Metzler Verlag: Stuttgart, 1998 (together with Beate Gundert).
- Text and Tradition. Studies in Ancient Medicine and its Transmission. Presented to Jutta Kollesch, E.J. Brill: Leiden, 1998: edited by K.-D. Fischer, D. Nickel and P. Potter.
- "The editiones principes of Galen and Hippocrates and their Relationship", pp. 243-61 in above.