
Many congratulations go out to new graduate Emily Benko (Major and incoming MA student) who won the Gold Medals for Honours Double Major in both Classical Studies and Mathematics, achieving the highest academic average in each of these Majors. Well done, Emily! 

We are incredibly proud of new graduate Gwyneth Sutherland (HSP and incoming MA student) who won not only the Gold Medal for Honours Specialization in Classical Studies, but also The Bentley Scholarship and Gold Medal in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, which is awarded to the student with the highest overall academic average in the faculty. Congratulations, Gwyneth!

Stephanie Dennie (PhD 2024) accepts a one-year visiting position at the University of Alberta. Congratulations, Stephanie!

Gino Canlas joins the faculty as a specialist in Greek Archaeology. Wecome, Dr. Canlas!

Il-Kweon Sir joins the faculty as a specialist in Greek Literature. Welcome, Dr. Sir!

Emily Benko (Major) has won 2nd place in the Classical Association of Canada's Senior Latin sight translation competition. Congratulations, Emily, on this prestigious achievement!