Kyle Gervais

Dr. Kyle GervaisProfessor of Classics

BSc (Queen’s), MA (Queen’s), PhD (Otago)

Lawson Hall, Room 3226


Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Interest

Classical Latin epic and lyric (literary interpretation and textual criticism), medieval and Renaissance Latin poetry, Classical reception in popular culture, digital humanities, palaeography and manuscript studies.

Current Projects

  • The History of Roman Poetry: A Textbook (Routledge). Co-author with Hunter Gardner, Ted Gellar-Goad, Scott McGill, Jason Nethercut, and Tom Zanker.
  • Reading Statius: A Critical Guide. Co-editor with Lorenza Bennardo.
  • S/he Loves Me Not: Ovid’s Amores and Heroides (University of California Press World Literature in Translation series)


  • 2024. “Lucan and Flavian Epic”, Brill Research Perspectives in Classical Poetry. Co-author with R. J. Pogorzelski and S. Graham-Shaughnessy.
  • 2022. John of Garland, Integumenta Ovidii: Text, Translation, and Commentary. Medieval Institute Publications.
  • 2021. Seneca, Hercules Furens: A Student Commentary. Co-author with N. W. Bernstein (Dickinson College Commentary Series).
  • 2017. Statius, Thebaid 2: Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Oxford).
  • 2015. Brill’s Companion to Statius (Leiden). Co-editor with W. J. Dominik and C. E. Newlands. 

Articles (refereed)

  • 2024. “The bones of Tibullus: Ovid, Amores 3.5.59”, Classical Quarterly.
  • 2022. “Virgil’s hero, Turnus: Maffeo Vegio and Pier Candido Decembrio’s Supplements to the Aeneid (with a new edition and translation of Decembrio)”, Renaissance and Reformation 45.3, 9–41. 
  • 2021. “No cock-up: Sophisticated Classical allusion in the medieval pseudo-Ovidian Metamorphosis flaminis in gallum”, Classical Philology 116, 563-87.
  • 2021. “Textual and interpretive notes on the epic poems of Maffeo Vegio”, Humanistica Lovaniensia 70.
  • 2021. “The terrible pain of Aeneas: fidus Achates and Achilles’ ἄχος in the Aeneid”, Materiali e discussioni per lanalisi dei testi classici 86, 9-34.
  • 2020. “Dominoque legere superstes? Epic and empire at the end of the Thebaid”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 111, 385-420
  • 2020. "An interpolation in Claudian, De Raptu Proserpinae 2.343-7", Classical Quarterly 70., 449-53
  • 2019. “Positioning Aeneas: A proposed emendation to Aeneid 7.5”, Classical Journal 115, 146-73 (emendation printed in the text of G. B. Conte’s revised Teubner edition [Publius Vergilius Maro, Aeneis: Editio altera, De Gruyter, 2019, p. 176]).
  • 2017. “Odi(tque moras): Abridging Allusions to Virgil, Aeneid 12 in Statius, Thebaid 12”, American Journal of Philology 138, 305-29. 
  • 2015. “Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry”, Digital Humanities Quarterly 9.3 Co-author with N. W. Bernstein and Wei Lin.
  • 2015. “Notes on Statius, Thebaid 2”, Classical Quarterly 65, 411–15.
  • 2015. “Tydeus the hero? Intertextual confusion in Statius, Thebaid 2”, Phoenix 69, 56–78.
  • 2013. “Statius, Thebaid 2.473: iam Telamona solo, iam stratum Ixiona linquens”, Mnemosyne66, 312–13.
  • 2012. “Neu desint epulis rosae: Re-evaluating the addressee and intertexts of Horace, Odes I, 36”, Latomus 71, 47–62.

Chapters and Invited Articles

  • 2023. “Abridge over troubled waters: Catullus’ Ariadne, Virgil’s Dido, and the abridging allusions of Statius, Thebaid 12”, in E. Ariemma, V. D’Urso, and N. Lanzarone (eds), Studi sull’epica latina in onore di Paolo Esposito383–91. 
  • 2021. “Senecan heroes and tyrants in Statius, Thebaid 2”, in A. Marinis and S. Papaioannou (eds), Elements of Tragedy in Flavian Epic (De Gruyter), 144-68.
  • 2015. Contribution to The Vates Anthology of New Latin Poetry (ed. M. Walker), pp. 42–50. Art by Garett Schoffro.
  • 2015. “Parent-child conflict in the Thebaid”, in Brill’s Companion to Statius, 221–39.
  • 2015. “Reading Statius”, in Brill’s Companion to Statius, 3–27. Co-author with C. E. Newlands and W. J. Dominik.
  • 2014. “‘This is my Sparta!’ 300 (1998), 300 (2007), and Three (2013–14)”, The Amphora Issue, Melbourne Historical Journal 42.2, 3–19.
  • 2013. “Viewing violence in Statius’ Thebaid and the films of Quentin Tarantino”, in H. Lovatt and C. Vout (eds), Epic Visions: Visuality in Greek and Latin Epic and its Reception (Cambridge), 139–67.

Selected Presentations 

  • “At the foot of a barbwire fence: the problem of Virgilian pain from Statius to Olivier Kemeid” (keynote speaker, International Epic Network Boot Camp, University of Toronto Mississauga, Nov. 2023).
  • “Serlo of Wilton: How to Out-Ovid Ovid” (2023 Texts and Contexts Seminar: “The Fortuna of Ovid”, Ohio State University Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies, Oct. 2023).
  • “Master John’s Two Masters: The Text and Context of John of Garland’s Integumenta Ovidii” (2020 Texts and Contexts Seminar, Ohio State University Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies, Oct. 2022).
  • Reading Virgil: Caieta’s Cult, Aeneas’ ἄχος, and some gaps in the Aeneid from antiquity to the Beaver Wars” (Classical Association of Canada Western Lecture Tour, Mar.-Apr. 2021).
  • “Reading Ovid: Male gazes, moralizing allegories, and galline metamorphoses from antiquity to the Middle Ages” (CAC Western Tour, Mar.-Apr. 2021).
  • “Reading Statius: Abridging allusions, the Tesserae Project, and Statius’ Tarantino style” (CAC Western Tour, Mar.-Apr. 2021).
  • Res dictu horrenda: The Virgilian-Ovidian allusive program of the medieval Metamorphosis Flaminis in Gallum” (Lisbon Classics Seminars, University of Lisbon, Jun. 2020).
  • “Positioning Aeneas: A proposed emendation to Aeneid 7.5” (2019 Classical Association of Canada annual conference, McMaster University, May 2019). 
  • “No cock-up: A serious reading of a marginal medieval pseudo-Ovidian metamorphosis” (2017 Midwest Classical Literature Consortium annual meeting, Ohio University, April 2017).
  • “Ending epic quickly: ‘Abridging allusions’ in Statius’ Thebaid” (University of Toronto, March 2016 and 2016 CAC annual conference, Laval University, May 2016).
  • “Make America great again! Roman renewal in the presidency of Donald J. Trump (and other speculative fiction)” (keynote address at 10th McMaster University Undergraduate Classics Conference, March 2016).
  • Es quod es: Monstrous heroism and Oedipal consumption in Statius, Thebaid 2” (26th Brock University Archaeological Society Scholarly Symposium, March 2015 and 2015 CAC annual conference, University of Toronto, May 2015).
  • “Writing and reading violence in Statius’ Thebaid” (Queen’s University, November 2014).
  • "Hexametric intertextuality: A digital approach” (Victoria University of Wellington, May 2014 and 35th ASCS conference, Massey University, January 2014).
  • “Arena, epic, internet: Viewing violence like a Roman (or, ‘I wouldn’t shoot a man in Reno, but I might watch him die’)” (34th ASCS conference, MacQuarie University, January 2013).