Alexander Meyer

Associate Professor of Classics

BA (University of Pennsylvania), MA (Tufts University), PhD (Duke University)

Office: Lawson Hall 3224 
Extension: 84522

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Interest:

Roman imperial history; Latin epigraphy; Travel and mobility in the ancient world; Ancient clocks and calendars; Identity in antiquity; Roman provincial studies

Selected Publications:

The Creation, Composition, Service and Settlement of Roman Auxiliary Units Raised on the Iberian Peninsula, British Archaeological Reports, 2013

The Vindolanda Calendrical Clepsydra: Time-Keeping and Healing Waters." Britannia, no. 50, 2019

"Approaching “Ethnic” Communities in the Roman Auxilia." In New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare, Wiley-Blackwell, 2020

"A Scato-Sexual Message: The Secundinus Stone with Phallus from Vindolanda." Britannia, no. 54, with Alex Mullen and Joonas Vanhala. 2023. 
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