December 13, 2016 An international team of researchers has received $3,050,674 in funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada to deliver and study a community-based program with the potential to substantially improve the lives of women who have experienced domestic violence. This research will help fill a critical gap in knowledge about effective interventions for women leaving abuse.
December 07, 2016 Health Sciences students Western students Linta Mustafa and Anisha Khanna are the 2016 winners of the World’s Challenge Challenge, a competition held annually during International Week.
November 30, 2016 One Western student’s passion for photography is now helping some of the country’s most vulnerable kids capture a crystal-clear snapshot of their own mental health.
November 09, 2016 School of Health Studies graduate Melissa Kargiannakis is looking to make the the Internet's boundless array of information understandable for all with the simple click of a button.
November 07, 2016 Occupational Therapy professor Jeff Holmes is part of a research team that have developed a blood test that identifies with greater than 90 per cent certainty whether or not an adolescent athlete has suffered a concussion.
November 03, 2016 Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing professor Heather Laschinger, who received both a Distinguished University Professor and the Hellmuth Prize for Achievement in Research, died on Oct. 29 due to complications from a prolonged illness. She was 71.
October 26, 2016 One of the leading voices in approaching homelessness as a solvable problem in London, and increasingly in Canada, Abe Oudshoorn has been named the 2016 Western Humanitarian Award winner for his work in exploring the intersection of homelessness, housing and health.
October 26, 2016 FHS members Ruth Martin and Julie Theurer were recently recognized by WORLDiscoveries for their market-readiness milestones in relation to their research into assistive technology.
October 03, 2016 Western University’s Exercise and Health Psychology Laboratory, which is led by Harry Prapavessis, studies physical activity and exercise as a therapy to improve overall health and has found a new, cost-effective way of decreasing sedentary (or sitting) behaviour: texting.
September 16, 2016 Congratulations to Helene Berman, PhD, Professor in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, on her induction as a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS).
August 24, 2016 Kinesiology professors Kevin Shoemaker and Dave Humphreys are taking a scientific approach to helping the understand the physical demands of being a professional cheerleader.
August 19, 2016 Researchers from Health Sciences and Education have been working on a research paper that examines the potential of large-scale sporting events to promote LGBTQ rights.
August 18, 2016 Western Health Sciences researchers are drawing attention to the challenges of – and hoping to find solutions for – women who experience violence using shelters in rural Ontario settings.
August 12, 2016 In a radio interview, Health Studies professor Louis Charland argues that we need to reinstate the notion of "passion" in our understanding of human behaviour.
August 10, 2016 A new study, led by nursing professor Kimberly Jackson, suggests lanolin makes no difference in helping ease the pain new mother's experience when nursing their newborn child.
July 25, 2016 In a column written for the Toronto Star, Kinesiology PhD student Nancy Quinn weighs in on overcoming obstacles to help children engage in physical activity and sport.
July 25, 2016 It is no typical summer at Western University, at least not for one group of researchers. While the campus is usually quiet in the summer, in the hallway of one building it is a time of last-minute preparations and wall-to-wall interview requests as the Rio Summer Olympic Games draw near.
July 20, 2016 School of Health Studies professor Louis Charland believes that viewing certain disorders and addictions might be better understood and treated if they were viewed as 'passions'.
June 23, 2016 Occupational Therapy professor Sherrilene Classen has partnered with Stellenbosh University in South Africa to combat the astronomical number of motor vehicle fatalities plaguing that country.
June 23, 2016 A proposed $21-million retirement living project in rural Huron County has added a Western component to its focus on keeping seniors in their own community.
June 20, 2016 Alexandra Harriss, a doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences under the co-supervision of Jim Dickey, PhD, and Dave Walton, PhD, is working with the Ontario Player Development League (OPDL) and Burlington Youth Soccer Club (BYSC) to study the relationship between accumulated head impact exposures in youth soccer players and changes in brain function.
June 09, 2016 Professor Aleksandra Zecevic, from Western's School of Health Studies, has been recognized by the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) for her outstanding work in the field of aging.
May 26, 2016 The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation Exercise and Pregnancy Lab recently celebrated 20 years of delivering life-changing research results for women and babies.
April 14, 2016 Kinesiology professor Janice Forsyth is lending her voice to challenge the International Olympic Committee's discriminatory policies relating to gender-identification.
March 31, 2016 Faculty of Health Sciences graduate student Thea Knowles earned top honours in Western's Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition with a presentation of deep-brain stimulation and its use in speech for individuals with Parkinson's disease.
March 31, 2016 School of Health Studies professor Aleksandra Zecevic decided to take a risk with her Aging Body course. In order to realize the impact of the physiological changes of aging, she challenged her third-year students to create a mobile simulation lab.
March 24, 2016 Western Kinesiology professor Michael Heine recently assumed the role of Director of the International Centre for Olympic Studies (ICOS). Starting a three-year term, he is only the fifth director in the centre’s nearly three decades of operation within Health Sciences.
March 24, 2016 Kinesiology professor Kevin Shoemaker was one of two recipients of a Distinguished University Professorship (DUP), joining a select group of faculty members recognized for exceptional scholarly careers.
March 21, 2016 Western's undergraduate Nursing program (BScN) was named among the top programs in the world, according to the 2016 QS World University Rankings.
March 17, 2016 A five-person team, including four Western students and an alumnus, created a winning commercialization plan for OtoTrain, a 3D digital anatomy training tool for doctors to assist in diagnosing diseases of the ear, as part of the Proteus Innovation Competition.
March 17, 2016 Hawazin Alhawsaw, a master’s student in Nursing, feels a better understanding of the culture shock experienced by Arab refugees will lead to improved support for acculturating into Canada.
March 17, 2016 Heath Sciences students Adrianna Guiffre, left, and Emily McLachlan are hoping a study their Cognitive Ergonomics class completed will lead to better pedestrian safety on campus and, long term, perhaps a vehicle-free campus.
March 02, 2016 Fast food giant, Taco Bell, recently used the National Centre for Audiology's anechoic chamber to shoot a commercial, starring social media personality TheDanocracy.
February 24, 2016 On March 2, Western is launching the Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS), a survey designed to provide universities with information regarding the quality of their graduate programs as assessed by their own graduate students. Western has participated in each administration of the survey, starting with the pilot project back in 2005.
February 24, 2016 An innovative, new approach to delivering community-based end-of-life care – developed and piloted by South West Community Care Access Centre and being evaluated by Western researchers – is now being used by a palliative care centre in the United Kingdom.
February 13, 2016 Kyle Rich, a PhD student in the School of Kinesiology, is researching ways to enhance the access to sport and recreation for children living in rural communities.
February 04, 2016 Fourth-year PhD candidate (Kinesiology) Ryan Frayne uses sensors on a goalie pad, which helps him obtain computer generated images in order to study hip kinematics of goalies and the performance of their equipment.
February 02, 2016 A landmark study led by Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing professor Cheryl Forchuk has found that smartphones create smarter mental-health care.
January 28, 2016 A new study led by Western University and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid presents overwhelming evidence that women should, whenever possible, exercise during pregnancy to combat high blood pressure, excessive weight gain and oversized babies.
January 27, 2016 Researchers and clinicians at the National Centre for Audiology are instrumental in carrying out the Ontario Infant Hearing Program, which screens newborns for hearing impairments
January 20, 2016 It’s been nearly a decade since Western University researchers reported that arthroscopic knee surgery provides no additional benefit compared to optimized physical and medical therapy among sufferers of osteoarthritis (OA) and yet the surgery is still routinely performed internationally.
January 12, 2016 Kinesiology professor Harry Prapavessis delivery a "Classes without Quizzes" lecture that examined the science behind sitting and why it is bad for our health.
January 06, 2016 Jayne Garland, MClSc’85, returned to Western this month to start a five-and-a-half year term as Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
February 07, 2025 Associate Professor Anita Kothari was one of eight Western scholars named among the nation's to scholars in arts, humanities and sciences by the Royal Society of Canada (RSC).
February 07, 2025 In an interview with CBC Radio, Kinesiology professor Janice Forsyth argues that sex-testing in sport has less to do with keeping sports fair than it does with social control of women and women's bodies.