Sport and Exercise Medicine


Advance your health care practice

This program prepares physiotherapists and physicians in the pillars of advanced practice to deliver advanced clinical care in sport injury and exercise medicine environments. Build your profile as leader, communicator, collaborator, health advocate, scholar and professional while developing sport and exercise medicine expertise.

Through a combination of in-person and remote learning, you will develop clinical skills, research capacity, and depth of knowledge to assess, evaluate and manage the rehabilitation of elite athletes and the wider population. You will learn from a team of multidisciplinary experts who work, teach and conduct research in sport and exercise medicine as part of their daily practice.

An Innovative Partnership

This program is offered through a partnership between one of Canada's leading sport and exercise medicine centres, the Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic, and Western University's School of Physical Therapy, building on their shared commitment to excellence in teaching, research and patient care. The result is a unique clinical mentorship and learning experience for sport and exercise medicine professionals looking to expand their competencies and credentials. 

Become a leader in sport and exercise medicine

University-based training integrating the four pillars of advanced is quickly becoming the industry standard for those pursuing opportunities in the highest levels of sport and exercise medicine. Integrated multidisciplinary learning at an advanced-level of practice in the specialized area of sport and exercise medicine will position graduates of the program to seek advanced accreditation, recognition, and opportunities, nationally and internationally.

Interested in learning more about this program?

Complete the form below to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click below for answers to commonly asked questions related to program content, structure, partnerships and credentialing.

Video FAQs

Physician Outcomes

Our Students



Program Structure


Physiotherapists and Physicians: Two Professions, One Goal.

Designed for physiotherapists and physicians in search of advanced-level knowledge and skills in sport and exercise medicine, this program lets professionals learn together, and from each other, toward the shared goal of providing contemporary enhanced patient care in sport and exercise medicine. The ideal candidates for the program are:

  • Experienced physiotherapists and physicians seeking advanced level mentorship in sport physiotherapy and sport medicine
  • Those with some direct practice experience in sport physiotherapy and sport medicine who would like to acquire the competencies defined by national and international standards

Advanced Degree and Credentialing Opportunities

Program graduates gain specialized training in sport and exercise medicine that leads to a Master of Clinical Science (MClSc) degree in Advanced Health Care Practice (Sport and Exercise Medicine) as well as the opportunity to prepare for field-specific credentials external to the program.

For Physiotherapists

The framework of advanced practice is used to develop graduates as leaders, communicators, collaborators, health advocates and scholars while covering International Federation of Sport Physiotherapy (IFSPT) and Sport Physiotherapy Canada (SPC) competencies. This degree has the Sport First Responder for Healthcare Professionals, and Stop the Bleed certification by American College of Surgeons, credentialling embedded within the curriculum. A subset of these competencies will prepare physiotherapist graduates to challenge SPC’s Certification and Diploma external to the program.

For Advanced Standing Physiotherapists

This pathway allows physiotherapists who have obtained their Sport Physiotherapy Canada (SPC) Diploma to receive credit for their practical experience while continuing professional growth and career development obtaining an Advanced Health Care Practice Master’s degree in Sport and Exercise Medicine. Graduates can continue on in their career development as leaders, teachers and innovators in a variety of roles requiring advanced competencies and credentialling.

For Physicians

The program is based on the Canadian Academy for Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM) competencies and International Federation of Sports Medicine (IFSM) code of ethics. The framework of advanced practice is used to develop graduates as leaders, communicators, collaborators, health advocates and scholars while covering competencies that prepare the graduating physician to challenge the CASEM Diploma exam (external to the program). This degree also has the Sport First Responder for Healthcare Professionals and Stop the Bleed certification by American College of Surgeons credentialling embedded within the curriculum.

Admission and Applying/Tuition and Fees

General Admission Requirements

All applicants must meet the following general requirements, in addition to the specific requirements outlined below for each applicant group.

  • A minimum bachelor's degree from a recognized university and at least a (B) standing (or equivalent) over the final two years of the program
  • Advanced computer skills
  • Two references
    • Academic (if attended university within the last five years) and professional
  • Demonstrated English language proficiency, including both written and oral communication
    • See below for more information

For Physiotherapists

  • A current license to practice in Canada
  • Evidence of more than two years of experience in sport/musculoskeletal physical therapy inclusive of more than 50 hours of sport event coverage/volunteering
    • A paragraph describing the applicant's role in delivering care to an active population, or equivalent; and a reference letter that endorses the evidence of experience
  • Be a member in good standing with Sport Physiotherapy Canada (SPC)

For Physicians

  • A current license to practice in Canada
  • Evidence of more than two years of experience in sport/musculoskeletal medicine inclusive of more than 50 hours of sport event coverage/volunteering, or equivalent
    • A paragraph describing the applicant's role in delivering care to an active population and a reference letter that endorses the evidence of experience
  • Members in good standing with the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM) and home provincial regulatory college at the time of application

English Language Proficiency

  • Applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence of their proficiency in the use of the English language by a satisfactory achievement within the last two years in one of the following: 
  • Applicants who are required to present evidence of proficiency in English must make their own arrangements to complete one of the above tests or programs and to have the official results sent directly to SGPS by the testing agency. 
  • The English language proficiency requirements outlined above do not apply to students from Quebec 

Applying to the Program

Have questions about applying?


To apply to the Advanced Health Care Practice program, students should:

  • Visit the  online application website
  • Follow the instructions on that page to access the application
  • Select "Advanced Health Care Practice" from the program options in the application and select the appropriate field

Application Deadline

  • Applications will open November 1 and close April 30th for domestic applicants, and February 15th for international applicants with Canadian licensure.

Tuition and Fees

The annual domestic tuition fee for this program is approximately $14,000 including ancillary fees (plus $2,100 mentor fee i.e. $700/term***) which is payable over three terms (September, January and May), plus course fees payable in the Fall term.

In addition, there is a $510 course fee to cover strapping and the first responder microcredential, which is payable in the Fall term.

These fees are subject to change and are set by Western University. Instructions for students paying tuition from a Canadian bank are available from the Office of the Registrar.

***Please note all fees including mentorship fees and course fees are currently under review and are subject to change and adjustment***

OSAP Eligible

Graduate Student Affordability Calculator

The calculator was designed for you to get a better estimate of what it will cost to attend one of Western's graduate programs for one year.

Program Structure and Course Offerings

Offered on a full-time basis, this programs utilizes a combination of in-person and remote learning to help students balance the academic demands of the programs with the professional and personal demands on their lives.

A Case-Based Approach

The program's case-based learning approach allows for interactive small group clinical mentoring and learning to engage and clinically reason with Sport and FCAMPT physiotherapists, CASEM Sport Medicine physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, emergency physicians and experts from a variety of sport-related disciplines. Students in the program acquire competencies in sport and exercise medicine to help provide care for athlete's spanning the spectrum from pediatric, adult, elite and special populations. Graduates are prepared to provide advanced level care to MSK injuries in highly specialized clinical environments, sideline coverage, throughout clinical recovery and return to sport training environments that reflect clinical best practice and evidence.


Fall Term ( September-December)

  • Research Methods
  • Advanced Management in Sport and Exercise Medicine 1: Lower Quadrant
    • Includes on-campus component
  • Clinical Mentorship
  • Research Experience

Winter Term (January-April)

  • Advanced Professional Practice
  • Advanced Management in Sport and Exercise Medicine 2: Upper Quadrant
    • Includes on-campus component
  • Clinical Mentorship (continued)
  • Research Experience (continued)

Spring Term (May-August)

  • Transformational Topics in Sport and Exercise Medicine
    • Includes on-campus component
  • Clinical Mentorship (continued)
  • Research Experience (continued)
    • Includes Research Day

Advanced Standing (for SPC Diploma holders)

Physiotherapists who already possess the Sport Physiotherapy Canada Diploma will receive advanced standing for the following courses (will not be required to take but are able to audit):

  • Advanced Management in Sport and Exercise Medicine 1: Lower Quadrant
  • Advanced Management in Sport and Exercise Medicine 2: Upper Quadrant
  • Transformational Topics in Sport and Exercise Medicine
  • Clinical Mentorship

Course requirements will focus on:

  • Research Methods (AHCP9600)
  • Advanced Professional Practice (AHCP9610)
  • Research Experience (AHCP9630)

More information about program structure and course offerings is available below.

About Clinical Mentorship

Through a Continuing Professional Development framework, this course facilitates the synthesis of the theoretical and practical aspects of a student’s development in Sport and Exercise Medicine through a period of mentorship within the work-based/practice environment and documented with a professional portfolio. Students will have the opportunity to work in a variety of settings to enable development of existing knowledge and skills and advanced practice. The Clinical Mentor(s) will enable a student’s development through a partnership of teaching; researching; managing; observing and discussing with innovative practice being encouraged within the framework of safe, legal, and ethical practice as made explicit in any applicable published standards (e.g. professional registration body, specialist competencies etc). Clinical mentorship for this field would come from a variety of sport and exercise medicine practitioners who are willing to act as mentors.

The student will undertake pre-mentorship preparation through an online half-day study day, and online preparatory reflective exercise of self evaluation. Students will undertake a minimum of 150 hours of experience in a work-based/practice/field environment. Learning needs may necessitate a range of environments as part of the mentored experience to ensure that all outcomes are achieved. The selection of the work-based environment is negotiated by the student in collaboration with the field leader, dependent upon their individual learning needs and their program field and any specialist requirements. A variety of patterns of delivery of the 150 hours experience are possible, encompassing part time and full time modes as well as a variety of models of experience e.g. clinical practice, observation of practice, case analysis, situational online clinical reasoning, telehealth, e-mentoring, face-to-face mentoring etc. Current registration with appropriate professional/regulatory bodies is required as appropriate to the negotiated mentored practice.

For future challenging of Sport Physiotherapy Canada's certification and diploma exam, physiotherapist students will be required to complete the following field experiences as part of their mentored clinical practice and these requirements will be included in their learning contract additional to the mentorship:

  • Minimum 300 hours
  • Minimum six different sports inclusive of:
    • Two contact/combat/collision sports for minimum of 75 hrs each
    • The equivalent of two different sports followed for a full season

Students are responsible for securing their own SPC-registered clinical mentor(s).

Learning Outcomes

Upon successfully completing the program, students should have the ability to:

  • Critically analyze and integrate the principles underpinning sport and exercise medicine to inform interventions that optimize activity/performance for persons/athletes
  • Evaluate clinical history and examination findings to inform individualized athlete/client-centred acute emergency management/triage, management and rehabilitation within a biopsychosocial and interdisciplinary framework
  • Implement and justify evidence-informed management and rehabilitation interventions to optimize activity/performance
  • Synthesize knowledge, skills and attributes to demonstrate advanced practice in sport and exercise medicine
  • Develop research skills enabling active participation and competency in clinical research
  • Communicate and apply ethical principles and practices in patient care and research activities
  • Develop communication strategies that foster therapeutic alliance and shared decision-making with the person/athlete
  • Develop iterative self-reflection skills and continued life-long learning