Control Mechanics

Facilities Management - Maintenance


Control Mechanics is responsible for the climate control systems on campus. We install, maintain, and repair the system that controls and monitors indoor climate including temperature, ventilation, and air quality.

For example, following a request for a colder or warmer room, our control mechanics are often the first responders on site. They will determine the cause - this could be a malfunctioning thermostat in the space, a faulty control valve located at the air handler in the mechanical room or at the volume box in the ceiling space, or one of the many sensors located in the expansive heating and cooling piping systems may require re-calibration.

Did you know...

Facilities Management’s control mechanics maintain 5000 control panels collecting data from nearly 750,000 controls, points, and sensors measuring air quality and movement.


  • Install, maintain, and repair indoor climate hardware
  • We work closely with Heating & Cooling


There are Control Mechanics on our team.

For the Controls Shop's assistance, please complete and submit an Electronic Work Order Request form or contact Client Services.