
Fall Term 2024

Number Course Instructor
Cross-listed: 4331F
Women & Science
Area: FEM / SCI
Francesca Vidotto
Cross-listed: 4991F
Philosophy of Language
Area: M&L
Robert Stainton
PHILOSOP 9704 Research Ethics
Area: MPL
Charles Weijer
Cross-listed: 4992F
The Metaphysics of Margaret Cavendish
Area: HIST
Ben Hill
PHILOSOP 9224 Cosmology
Area: SCI
Chris Smeenk
PHILOSOP 9653 Pro-seminar Robert DiSalle
Recommended external courses:
POLITICS 9503 Central Problems in Political Theory Charles Jones


Winter Term 2025

Number Course Instructor
PHILOSOP 9164 Structural Injustice
Area: MPL / FEM
Tracy Isaacs
PHILOSOP 9234 Ethical & Societal Implications of A.I.
Area: SCI / MPL
Andrew Buzzell
Cross-listed: 4991G
Physics & Reality
Area: SCI
Robert DiSalle


Cross-listed: 4992G

Natural and Artificial Minds
Area: M&L
David Bourget
PHILOSOP 9238 Philosophy for Wicked Problems
Area: SCI
Eric Desjardins
PHILOSOP 9900 Prospectus Anthony Skelton











Locations & Times
Current students and alumni can request access to the course locations & times and archived course outlines via the Graduate Program Coordinator.


How to Add/Drop a Course
Step by step instructions

Course Requirements

MA / PhD

Course Forms
Reading Course Requests, Registration Outside of Home Program, etc.

2023-24 Important Dates

Fall Term

Winter Term

First Day of Classes

September 7

January 8

Last Day of Classes

December 8

April 8

Reading Week

October 30 - November 3

February 19 - 23

Grades Due

January 7

May 7

2024-25 Important Dates

Fall Term

Winter Term

First Day of Classes

September 5

January 6

Last Day of Classes

December 6

April 4

Reading Week

October 12 - 20

February 15 - 23

Grades Due

January 7

May 7


Historical Graduate Course Offerings


Fall Term 2023

Course Number

Course Title


Philosophy of Science Survey

Area: SCI


The Cognitive Ontology Debate
Area: M&L


Cartesian and Non-Cartesian Theories of Mind in the Early Modern Era

Area: HIST


Cross-listed: PHILOSOP 4730F

Trust and Social Bonds

Area: FEM / MPL


Ethics in 12 Arguments

Area: MPL



Recommended External Courses


Theories of Global Justice


Winter Term 2024

Course Number 

Course Title


Ancient Political Philosophy

Area: HIST (Ancient)


STATS 9940 / ECE 9660 / COMPSCI 9147

Ethical & Societal Implications of A.I.

Area: SCI / MPL


Cross-listed: PHILOSOP 4091G

Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception

Area: FEM


Cross-listed: PHILOSOP 4050G

Kant's First Critique

Area: HIST



Area: SCI




Cross-listed: PHILOSOP 4045G

Hume (and some Humeans) on Scarcity, Conventions, Property and Justice
Area: HIST / MPL

Recommended External Courses


Central Problems in Political Theory


Fall Term 2022

Course Number Course Title Instructor
Philosophy 9015A / 4051F Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason'
Area: HIST
C. Dyck
Philosophy 9062A Personal Identity
Area: HIST
B. Hill
Philosophy 9117A /
PoliSci 9762A / 4206F
Theories of Global Justice
Area: MPL
R. Vernon
Philosophy 9128A /
PoliSci 9503A
Central Problems in Political Theory
Area: MPL
C. Jones
Philosophy 9131A Ross' Ethics
A. Skelton
Philosophy 9605A / 4410F Concepts
Area: M&L
C. Viger
Philosophy 9653A Proseminar R. DiSalle
Philosophy 9703A / 4431F Women and Science
Area: FEM, SCI
F. Vidotto

Winter Term 2023

Course Number  Course Title Instructor
Philosophy 9043B Plato on Justice and Knowledge
Area: HIST
D. Henry
Philosophy 9221B Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
Area: SCI
W. Myrvold
Philosophy 9230B /
Psychol 9230B
Issues in Philosophy, Psychology
and Neuroscience
Area: M&L
M. Anderson

Philosophy 9232B

STATS 9940B / ECE 9660B / COMPSCI 9147B

Ethical & Societal Implications of A.I.
Area: SCI / MPL
C. Smeenk
Philosophy 9408B The Puzzle of Consciousness
Area: M&L
D. Bourget
Philosophy 9602B / 4037G Metaphysics: Leibniz to Kant
Area: HIST
R. DiSalle
Philosophy 9900B Prospectus A. Skelton


Fall Term 2021

Course Number Course Title Instructor
Philosophy 9703A/4331F Women and Science
Area: Science, Feminism
F. Vidotto
Philosophy 9236A/ 4310F Synthetic Biology
Area: Science
E. Desjardins
Philosophy 9653A Pro-seminar
Area: History, M & L
R. DiSalle
Philosophy 9128A/ PoliSci Central Problems in Political Theory
Area: MPL
C. Jones
Philosophy 9168A Collective Responsibility
Area: MPL, Feminism
T. Isaacs
Philosophy 9066A Schopenhauer Area: History C. Dyck

Winter Term 2022

Course Number Course Title Instructor
Philosophy 9107B/ 4751G Gender and Race
Area: Feminism, MPL
C. McLeod
Philosophy 9234B/ Compsci AI Ethics: A Comprehensive Intro
Area: Science, MPL
M. Barnes
M. Katchabaw
Philosophy 9900B Prospectus J. Sullivan
Philosophy 9237B Physics and Reality
Area: Science
R. DiSalle
Philosophy 9067B Empiricism Across Early Modern
Area: History
B. Hill
Philosophy 9284B Effective Field Theories
Area: Science
C. Smeenk
Philosophy 9408B The Puzzle of Consciousness
Area: M&L
D. Bourget
Philosophy 9042B/ 4007G Classical Virtue Ethics
Area: History, MPL
D. Henry
Philosophy 9121B/
Theories of Global Justice R. Vernon



Fall Term 2020

Course Number Course Title Instructor
Philosophy 9129A Trust and Social Bonds
Area: MPL, Feminist
C. McLeod
Philosophy 9703A Women and Science
Area: Science, Feminist
F. Vidotto
Philosophy 9207A Topics in the Philosophy of Psychiatry
Area: M&L
L. Charland
Philosophy 9228A/
Psychol 9230A
Philosophy, Psychology & Neuroscience
Area: M&L
M. Anderson
Philosophy 9128A Central Problems in Political Theory
Area: MPL
C. Jones
Philosophy 9102A Sidgwick's Ethics
Area: MPL, History
A. Skelton
Philosophy 9130A George Berkeley's Social & Political Philosophy
Area: MPL
A. Luis
Philosophy 9653A Pro-seminar
Area: M&L, History
R. DiSalle
Philosophy 9224A Philosophy of Cosmology
Area: Science
C. Smeenk

Winter Term 2021

Course Number Course Title Instructor
Philosophy 9122B Toleration
Area: MPL
R. Vernon
Philosophy 9900B Prospectus Course A. Skelton
Philosophy 9215B Philosophy of Probability
Area: Science
W. Myrvold
Philosophy 9234B/ 9232B Implications of AI
Area: Science
M. Katchabaw
B. Chomanski
Philosophy 9061B Leibniz as Critic of Locke
Area: History
B. Hill
Philosophy 9041B Kant
Area: History
R. DiSalle
Philosophy 9010B Ancient Ethics: From Socrates to Epicurus
Area: History
D. Henry
Philosophy 9121B/ PoliSci Global Justice
Area: MPL
R. Vernon
Philosophy 9231B Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation
Area: Science
J. Sullivan
Philosophy 9622B Consciousness & Thought
Area: M&L
D. Bourget

Summer Term 2021

Course Number Course Title Instructor
Philosophy 9400L History of the Philosophy of Language
Area: M&L, History
R. Stainton
Philosophy 9617L Mental Representation
Area: M&L
A. Mendelovici


Fall Term 2019

Philosophy 9245A: Myrvold: Survey of Philosophy of Science (Sci)
Philosophy 9119A: Jones: Human Rights (MPL)
Philosophy 9802A: Charland: Topics in the Philosophy of Emotion (Tu 2:30-5:30, Mind & Lang)
Philosophy 9608A: Viger: Consciousness (W 11:30-2:30, Mind & Lang)
Philosophy 9615A: Fielding: Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception (Th 11:30-230, Mind & Lang)
Philosophy 9127A: Klimchuk: Aristotle’s Legal Theory (F 9:30-12:30, Hist or MPL)

Winter Term 2020

Philosophy 9122B: Vernon: Toleration (M 9:30-11:30, MPL)
Philosophy 9230B: Anderson: Issues in Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience (M 2:30-5:30, Mind & Lang)
Philosophy 9040B: Dyck: Race and Philosophy in the 18th Century (Tu 11:30-2:30, Hist)
Philosophy 9212B: DiSalle: Philosophical Foundations of Modern Physics (Th 11:30-2:30, Sci of Hist)
Philosophy 9121B: Vernon: Global Justice (Th 11:30-1:30, MPL)
Philosophy 9225B: Psillos: Scientific Realism (TBA-accelerated, Sci)

Summer Term 2020

Philosophy 9400L: Stainton: Survey of Philosophy of Language (TBA, Mind & Lang)


Fall Term 2018

Philosophy 9114A: TRUST & TESTIMONY (McLeod)
Philosophy 9117A: THEORIES OF GLOBAL JUSTICE (Vernon)
Philosophy 9125A: POLITICAL THEORY - EQUALITY (Jones)
Philosophy 9126A: WELL-BEING (Skelton)
Philosophy 9620A: EMPIRICISM & THEORY STRUCTURE (Smeenk)
Philosophy 9653A: PRO-SEMINAR (Stainton)
Philosophy 9750A: PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGY (Barker)

Winter Term 2019

Philosophy 9033B:KANT'S THEORY OF COGNITION (Dyck)
Philosophy 9122B: TOLERATION (Vernon)
Philosophy 9124B: SOCIAL CONTRACT PLATO TO RAWLS (Klimchuk)
Philosophy 9221B: PHIL OF QUANTUM MECHANICS (Myrvold)
Philosophy 9230B: ISSUES IN PHIL & NEUROSCIENCE (Anderson)
Philosophy 9231B: PHIL OF SCI EXPERIMENTATION (Sullivan)
Philosophy 9232B: IMPLICATIONS OF AI (Smeenk)
Philosophy 9233B: WHAT IS A LAW OF NATURE? (Psillos)
Philosophy 9605B: CONCEPTS (Viger)
Philosophy 9614B: PHIL OF LANGUAGE SURVEY (Stainton)
Philosophy 9730B: FEMINIST BIOETHICS (McLeod)
Philosophy 9900B: PROSPECTUS COURSE (Desjardins)


Fall Term 2017

Philosophy 9029A: From Natural Law to Moral Sense: Moral Philosophy 1550-1780 (Survey--History/Value Theory)
Philosophy 9215A: Probability
Philosophy 9102A: Sidgwick's Ethics
Philosophy 9504A: What’s love got to do with it?: A survey of feminist thinking about romance, children, and the family (Survey--Feminism/Value Theory) - cross-listed with WS 9533A
Philosophy 9227A: Philosophy of Space and Time
Philosophy 9030A: Aristotle's Ethics
Philosophy 9008A: Kant's First Critique
Philosophy 9653A: Proseminar (Survey--Mind & Language)
Philosophy 9617A: Survey of Philosophy of Mind: Mental Representation (Survey--Mind & Language)
Philosophy 9122A: Political Theory: Toleration - cross-listed with POLISCI 9503A (Survey--Value Theory)

Winter Term 2018

Philosophy 9209B: Empiricism in the Philosophy of Science
Philosophy 9031B: Survey of early modern theories of temporal experience and spatial awareness (Survey--History)
Philosophy 9200B: Twentieth-century Philosophy of Science (Survey--Phil of Science)
Philosophy 9300B: Philosophy of Mathematics (Survey--Phil of Science)
Philosophy 9400B: Survey of Philosophy of Language (Survey--Mind & Language)
Philosophy 9900B: Prospectus Course
Philosophy 9032B: The 'Sophist' and the Sophists
Philosophy 9121B: Theories of Global Justice - cross-listed with POLISCI 9762B/4206G
Philosophy 9123B: Political Theory: Justice Between Generations - cross-listed with POLISCI 9505B
Philosophy 9500B: Survey of Feminist Philosophy (Survey--Feminism)
Philosophy 9230B: Issues in Philosophy, Psychology & Neuroscience
Philosophy 9039B: Survey in 18th Century German Philosophy (Survey - History)


Fall Term 2016

Philosophy 9653A: Pro-seminar - R. Stainton (M&E)
Philosophy 9035A: Aristotle's Metaphysics - J. Thorp (HIST/M&E)
Philosophy 9036A: Thinking Matter in the Seventeenth Century - B. Hill (HIST)
Philosophy 9119A: Human Rights - C. Jones (MPL)
Philosophy 9618A: Philosophy of Mind - C. Viger (M&E)
Philosophy 9245A: Survey of Philosophy of Science - R. DiSalle (SCI/HIST)
Philosophy 9224A: Cosmology - C. Smeenk (SCI)
Philosophy 9225A: Scientific Realism - Intensive Course - S. Psillos (SCI)
Philosophy 9730A: Feminist Bioethics - C. McLeod (MPL)

Winter Term 2017

Philosophy 9037B: The Development of Plato's Political Philosophy - D. Henry (HIST/MPL)
Philosophy 9038B: Grotius and Hobbes - D. Klimchuk (HIST/MPL)
Philosophy 9121B: Theories of Global Justice - R. Vernon MPL
Philosophy 9122B: Toleration - R. Vernon (MPL)
Philosophy 9900B: Prospectus Course - C. McLeod
Philosophy 9226B: Epistemology of Experimentation - J. Sullivan (SCI/M&E)
Philosophy 9750B: Philosophy of Biology (outline updated Dec 22) - G. Barker (SCI)
Philosophy 9619B: Problems in Philosophy of Language - R. Stainton (M&E)


Fall Term 2015

The Sophists and “The Sophist” (Thorp)—History (Ancient)
Hume and Reid on Ethics and the Passions (Falkenstein)—History/MPL (CX w/ Phil 4108)
Proseminar (DiSalle)—M&E
Survey of Phil of Mind (Mendelovici)—M&E (CX w/ Phil 4410)
General Phil of Science (Smeenk)—Science
Phil of Math (Bell)—Science
Egalitarianism (Brennan)—MPL (CX w/ Phil 4810)
Markets & Morals (Hoffmaster)—MPL (CX w/ Phil 4071)

Winter Term 2016

De Anima (Henry)—History (Ancient)
Kant’s First Critique (Dyck)—History (CX w/ Phil 4050)
Phil of Neuroscience (Sullivan)—M&E/Science
Phil of Ecology (Desjardins)—Science
Phil of Quantum Mechanics (Myrvold)—Science
Feminist Critiques of Science (Okruhlik)—Science/MPL (CX w/ Phil 4530)
Theories of Content (Bayne)—M&E
Prospectus Course (Dyck)


Fall Term 2014

Philosophy 9022A: Classics in the History of the Free Will Debate (Falkenstein) - Area: History
Philosophy 9613A: Kripke (Marti/Stainton) - Area: M & E
Philosophy 9653A: Pro-seminar (DiSalle)
Philosophy 9113A: Property (Klimchuk) - Area: MPL
Philosophy 9023A: Interpretations of Kant's Transcendental Idealism (Dyck) - Area: History
Philosophy 9114A: Trust and Testimony (McLeod) - Area: MPL
Philosophy 9024A: The Stoics and Stoicism (Lagerlund) - Area: History (Ancient)
Philosophy 9217A: Philosophy of Biology: Recent Trends (Barker) - Area: Science

Winter Term 2015

Philosophy 9218B: Epistemology of Experimentation (Sullivan) - Area: Science
Philosophy 9250B: Philosophy of Physics (DiSalle) - Area: Science
Philosophy 9614B: Philosophy of Language Survey (Stainton) - Area: M & E / Cross-listed with LING 9453B
Philosophy 9115B: Contemporary Feminist Ethics (Brennan) - Area: MPL
Philosophy 9219B: History of Twentieth-Century Phil. of Science (Okruhlik) - Area: Science
Philosophy 9615B: Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception (Fielding) - Area: M & E
Philosophy 9025B: Plato’s Theory of Forms (Thorp) - Area: History (Ancient)
Philosophy 9026B: John Locke’s Theory of Ideas (Hill) - Area: History
Philosophy 9616B: Consciousness (Bourget) - Area: M & E


Fall Term 2013

9215A: Philosophy of Probability (Hoefer) - Area: Sci
9653A: Proseminar (Smeenk) - Area: n/a
4530F/9278A: Feminist Critiques of Science (Okruhlik) - Area: Sci
9214A: Philosophy of Science (Psillos) - Area: Sci
9019A: The Epicureans (Thorp) - Area: Hist
4071F/9111A: Advanced Topics in Ethics: “Markets and Morals” (Hoffmaster) - Area: MPL
4035F/9020A: Descartes (Hill) - Area: Hist

Winter Term 2014

9109B: Politcal Philosophy (Milde) - Area: MPL
4410F/9611A: Contemporary Issues in the Phil. of Mind (Mendelovici) - Area: M&E
9110B: Ethics (Brennan) - Area: MPL
9212B: Phil. Foundations of Modern Physics (DiSalle) - Area:Hist, Sci
9021B: Plato’s Theaetetus (Henry) - Area: Hist
9300B: Philosophy of Mathematics (Bell) - Area: Sc
9213B: Philosophy of Neuroscience (Sullivan) - Area: Sc, M&E
9112B: Utility, Liberty, Equality: The Case of J. S. Mill (Skelton) - Area: MPL, Hist
4210G/9612B: Problems in Phil of Language: Possible World Semantics (Bourget) - Area: M&E