Donate to Philosophy

Giving to Philosophy at Western

A contribution to the Department of Philosophy at Western can have a profound impact on our students and our programs. We are currently fundraising for a number of high-priority initiatives including: graduate and undergraduate student support (in the form of scholarships and prizes), enhancing our high school outreach (particularly through our participation in the Ontario Ethics Bowl), and support for events in our department that contribute to building new connections in the wider philosophical community in Southwestern Ontario. To make a one-time or recurring donation, click "Donate" here. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for all donations. If you are considering a donation, you can also reach out to the current Department Chair, Prof. Corey W. Dyck (, who will be happy to discuss it with you.

Whether or not you choose to give to the Department, we love hearing from our alumni/ae. Feel free to reach out to us, and if you are on LinkedIn please join our Alumni page. (