Alumna named as one of the 14 Emerging Women Artists to Watch in 2017
Sarah Cascone ,Artnet News ,December 21, 2016 Esmaa Mohamoud completed her BFA in 2015 at Western University Before the age of 24 she had her first solo exhibition at YYZ Gallery. See the full list on Artnet news.
Plastiglomerate | e-flux
Kirsty Robertson ,e-flux ,December 2016 New article by Professor Kirsty Robertson referencing Kelly Jazvac's readymades. Plastiglomerate clearly demonstrates the permanence of the disposable. It is evidence of death that cannot decay, or that decays so slowly as to have removed itself from a natural lifecycle.
Christof Migone: Press Play | Zalucky Contemporary
Zalucky Contemporary ,November 26, 2016 - January 14, 2017 Studio Faculty member Christof Migone's exhibition "Press Play" will be on view at Zalucky Contemporary November 26, 2016 - January 14, 2017. The Gallery is located at 3044 Dundas St. W, Toronto, Ontario.
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Kelly Wood
Join us for an Art Now lecture by Studio Faculty Member Kelly Wood, Thursday November 24th at 7pm in NCB 113. Prof. Wood will discuss her new book and exhibition "The Vancouver Carts" on view at the McIntosh Gallery.
Dogs Don't Go To School Book Launch | Stephanie Amatori
Stephanie Amatori ,November 19, 2016 Saturday, November 19, 2016. Children’s book launch illustrated by Western Visual Arts student Stephanie Amatori. All proceeds will be donated to ANIMALERT. Help save the lives of dogs and cats while supporting a local author. The launch will take place at Pet Value Masonville, located at 109 Franshawe Park Road East.
War on Olive Trees: A Photo Essay by Rehab Nazzal | Beit Zatoun
Rehab Nazzal ,Beit Zatoun ,November 4, 2016 PhD candidate Rehab Nazzal presents “War on Olive Trees: A Photo Essay” at Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham St. Toronto, ON. Exhibition: Friday, Nov-4 to Wednesday, Nov-17 Opening Reception: Friday, November 4 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Vancouver Carts: Photographs by Kelly Wood | McIntosh Gallery
Kelly Wood ,Macintosh Gallery ,November 3 - December 10, 2016 Please join us for the opening receptions for "The Vancouver Carts: Photographs by Kelly Wood" and "Below The Belt: Film/Video from the Great Lakes Region" curated by alumna Christine Negus. "The Vancouver Carts: Photographs by Kelly Wood" is also a book, which expands upon the exhibition, reproducing over 100 images selected by the artist and featuring essays by Clint Burnham, Max Haiven and Kirsty Robertson. Reception: November 3, 7-9pm
Art Now! Speaker's Series: Patrick Mahon, Gu Xiong & Jenny Jaramillo
November 17, 2016 at the Room 113 in NCB. Join us for the Speakers' Series from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. 113
Mountains & Rivers Without End | Artlab Gallery
Exhibition and conference are co-organized by Ulises Unda, Andrés Villar and Patrick Mahon. November 18 - December 9, 2016 at the Artlab. Join us for the opening reception Friday November 18th from 7-9pm.
Art Beyond Itself: Mountain & Rivers Without End | Conference
Join us for the Conference Saturday November 19th from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, in VAC 100.
Mind Mouth: Jenine Marsh and Kim Neudorf | Forest City Gallery
Forest City Gallery ,October 27, 2016 Forest City Gallery is proud to present mind mouth, a collaborative exhibition by Jenine Marsh (Toronto, ON) and Kim Neudorf (London, ON). Opening Reception: Thursday, October 27th from 7 - 9 PM; Drawing Workshop: Saturday, November 12th from 1 - 3 PM
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Diane Borsato
Join us for a lecture by Diane Borsato, Thursday, November 10, 2016, 7:00 - 8:30 pm in NCB 113. Free and open to the public!
I'm Really a Witch.* | Satellite Project Space
October 22, 2016 A screening curated by Christina Battle for LOMAA's Visiting Artist Program Saturday October 22, 2016 / Screening from 8-9 PM / Doors open @ 7:30 Presented in partnership with Satellite Project Space [121 Dundas Street, London]Including work by alumna Nicole Rayburn, and PhD candidate Christina Battle.
David Merritt | Christie Contemporary
David Merritt ,Christie Contemporary ,October 21, 2016 Christie Contemporary is pleased to announce its inaugural exhibition opening Friday October 21, from 6-9pm featuring the work of Therese Bolliger, Marla Hlady, Samuel de Lange and David Merritt. 64 Miler St. Toronton, Ontario.
Kelly Jazvac, Jesse Chapman, Ben Bloomstein | Carl Louie Gallery
Kelly Jazvac ,Carl Louie ,October 20, 2016 Studio Faculty Member Kelly Jazvac is included in an upcoming exhibition, October 20 - November 15, 2016 at the new Carl Louie Gallery, located at 260 Clarence St. in London Ontario. Opening reception Thursday, October 20 from 6pm - 9pm.
Engaging Our Communities: Museums, Galleries, and the Humanities | McIntosh Gallery
The Public Humanities at Western ,October 18-19, 2016 Join us for a public dialogue featuring Steven Lubar, Michelle Hamilton, Brian Meehan, and Patrick Mahon. Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 5:30pm at the McIntosh Gallery.
Seeing through the Skiascope | Steven Lubar
The Public Humanities at Western ,October 18-19, 2016 Public Humanities at Western presents a lecture by Steven Lubar (Brown University), "Seeing through the Skiascope." October 18th VAC Room 100, 5:30 pm followed by a catered reception at McIntosh Gallery.
Goodbye Heidelberg | Concourse Gallery
Goodbye Heidelberg is an homage to the Heidelberg Project in Detroit. 39 colourful clocks count down the remaining time of the Project. Opening reception, November 3rd 5pm
Allure of the Digital Humanities in Times of Crisis: Documenting Disruption in the Middle East
Public Lecture by Dr. Sharon C. Smith, Program Head Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT Co-director, Organized by Prof. Cody Barteet. October 12, 5:30pm VAC 100
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Marla Hlady
October 20, 2016 at the Room 113 in NCB. Join us for the Speakers' Series Thursday October 20th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Prof. Kelly Jazvac’s “Browsing” included in Canadian Art’s Nuit Blanche Must See List
Aaditya Aggarwal ,Canadianart ,September 29, 2016 “Artist Kelly Jazvac used to work [at Mirvish Books], an education in and of itself, and for Nuit Blanche returns to present her clever signage sculptures, animated by industrial fans. Some of the best Nuit Blanche projects of late have commented on gentrification; here, art makes a poetic, haunting return to where it seems to belong.”—David Balzer, editor-in-chief
Sorry Simone | Satellite Project Space
The Department of Visual Arts at Western University is pleased to present an exhibition of work by the students of the Advanced Foundations Course. Please join us for the closing reception from 4-6pm on October 5, 2016.
Lisa Robertson: Poetry Reading | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to announce Canadian Poet and essayist, Lisa Robertson will be joining us Wednesday October 12th when she will be reading from her soon to be launched book, "3 Summers".
McIntosh Gallery Re-Imagines the Selfie | Western Gazette
Amy Skodak ,Western Gazette ,September 25, 2016 This exhibition explores the relationship between portraiture and our society's obsession with representation through media ranging from paintings to sound installations. Featuring work by Western University Faculty, Students and Alumni. Read the full review on the Western Gazette website.
Sky Glabush: The Window is Also a Door | Prosjektrom Normanns
Prosjektrom Normanns ,September 24, 2016 Studio Faculty Member Sky Glabush's exhibition "The Window is Also a Door" opens September. 24th at Prosjektrom Normanns in Norway. The exhibition remains on view until October 16th.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe: Silence and Sound in Performance | YYZ Books
Christof Migone ,YYZ ,September 24, 2016 New Publication by Prof. Christof Migone | Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe: Silence and Sound in Performance, essay commissioned by YYZ Books for More Caught in the Act: an anthology of performance art by Canadian women, eds. Johanna Householder and Tanya Mars. Launch September 24 at YYZ in Toronto, 2-4pm. Facebook event here
Rehab Nazzal | Toronto Palestine Film Festival Panel | TIFF
The Toronto Palestine Film Festival ,September 24, 2016 PhD candidate Rehab Nazzal will be included in the Toronto Palestine Film Festival Panel. Artists discuss questions related to boycotts, censorship and the role of art in activism.
Sky Glabush, Floating Carpets | Contemporary Art Stavanger
Prosjektrom Normanns ,September 24 - October 16, 2016 Sky Glabush presents A Window is Also a Door, on view at Prosjektrom Normanns from September 24 – October 16, 2016. The exhibition consists solely of a series of hand-woven objects that function somewhere between tapestry, painting and woven rugs. CAS Editor Astrid Helen Windingstad provides personal notations on the artworks.
Forest City Gallery | Interested in others
Forest City Gallery ,September 16 - October 20, 2016 A group show with new-media works by Michelle Bunton (Western BFA 2016), Lucas Cabral (Western BFA 2016), Jamie Campbell, Christopher Lacroix Christopher Lacroix & afallenhorse, and Anna Eyler. This exhibition will be presented concurrently with an exhibition at the McIntosh Gallery that also considers contemporary portraiture.
Yonder | Koffler Gallery
Koffler Gallery ,September 21 - November 27, 2016 Exploring themes of intercultural translation, displacement and identity construction, twenty Canadian artists of diverse cultural backgrounds examine the immigrant condition through recent and new works in a variety of media. September 21 to November 27, 2016 with works by alumni Brendan Fernandes & Diana Yoo. Artist-Led Tour: Saturday, September 24, 2016 | 2 PM
Art Now! Speakers' Series: James Kirkpatrick
Join us for the Art Now Speakers' Series Thursday October 6th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, in NCB 113 Free and open to the public!
For Love & Money: How to Turn Your Fine Arts Degree into a Paycheque
Alumna Joanne Latimer BA '90 presents practical tips and ideas about how to land a job with a Fine Arts degree. This year with a second session for studio students.
Stephen Mueller Two Weeks Last Spring | DNA Artspace
DNA Artspace ,September 17, 2016 PhD candidate Stephen Mueller's exhibition is on view August 24-October 1 2016 at DNA Artspace. The reception for this exhibition will be held Saturday, September 17, 7-10pm in conjunction with the reception for Juanita Lee Garcia's MFA thesis exhibition "El Paradise".
Ido Govrin | Critical Ethics | Trinity Square Video
Trinity Square Video ,September 17, 2016 About the work: Tears, Fears and Flashes (mixed media installation) considers the relationship between interpersonal understanding and propagandist rhetoric with respect to an audio-visual aesthetic experience. It speculates on the ethical implications of this difficult but often present relationship.
I Know What You Did Last Summer | Artlab Gallery
September 29 - October 19, 2016 This Second Year MFA exhibition features work by Paul Chartrand , Charles Harris, Sarah Munro, Sam Noseworthy Quinn Smallboy, Quintin Teszeri. Join us for the opening reception Thursday September 29th from 5-7pm.
Young is Old: Book Launch | Concourse Gallery
September 29, 2016 at the Artlab. Join us for the reception Thursday September 29th from 5-7pm.
Satellite Award Exhibition | Satellite Project Space
SATELLiTE Project Space ,September 9, 2016 The first Satellite Award Exhibition celebrates London’s most promising emerging artistic talents. The exhibition will be open to the public Thursday, September 1st and will run through Thursday, September 15th. A reception will be held Friday, September 9 7-10PM with the artists present. Artists in the exhibition include: Michelle Bunton, (BFA 2016) & Jason Stovall, (MFA 2016)
Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture | Co-edited by Prof. Kirsty Robertson
Taylor & Francis Online ,September 2016 Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture co-edited by Prof. Robertson with Lisa Vinebaum (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) is open access for the month of September. It also includes an article by PhD candidate Stephanie Anderson. "Stitching Through Silence: Walking With Our Sisters: Honoring Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women in Canada."
On the Colors of Writing | Review by Quintin Teszeri
Quintin Teszeri ,Taylor & Francis ,September 2016 In the latest issue of The Senses and Society, Quintin Teszeri reviews Barbara Balfour's practice-based literary criticism of the encyclopedic novel Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.
Cosmic Stutters: Anselm Kiefer’s Search for Redemption in the Stars | Heavenly Discourses
Sophia Centre Press ,September 2016 John Hatch’s article “Cosmic Stutters: Anselm Kiefer’s Search for Redemption in the Stars” has just been published in Nicholas Campion (ed.), Heavenly Discourses: Proceedings of the “Heavenly Discourses” Conference, Bristol, 2011 (Ceredigion, Wales: University of Wales, Sophie Centre Press, 2016), pp. 263-270.
Greg Curnoe: Life and Work | Judith Rodger
Judith Rodger ,Art Canada Institute ,September 2016 Art Canada Institute publication "Greg Curnoe: Life & Work", by Dr. Judith Rodger, presents the story of a patriotic artist from London, ON. Available online via free e-book.
Evolution of Self Reflected in Portraits | Western News
Adela Talbot ,Western News ,September 28, 2016 Contemporary artists, including Western University students, alumni, and faculty, respond to modern portraiture conventions in social media. Read the full review on the Western News website.
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Mark Kasumovic
Join us for the Speakers' Series Thursday September 22nd from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in NCB 113 where Kasumovic will discuss his practice, and exhibition at the Artlab Gallery. Free and open to the public!
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Paul Walde
September 15, 2016 at the Room 113 in NCB. Join us for the Speakers' Series Thursday September 15th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Audio Lodge Performance | Artlab Gallery
September 16, 2016 at the Artlab. Join us Friday September 16th from 7:30 -9:30 pm.
Mark Kasumovic : Instrumental | Artlab Gallery
August 30 - September 22, 2016 at the Artlab. Join us for the opening reception Thursday September 15th from 5-7pm.
a line has two sides | Faculty / Staff Exhibition | Artlab Gallery
October 27 -November 10, 2016 at the Artlab. Join us for the opening reception Thursday November 3rd from 5-7pm, with a performance by Christof Migone at 6:15pm.
MFA Thesis Exhibition | Juanita Lee Garcia: El Paradise | DNA Artspace
El Paradise is organized by DNA Artspace in collaboration with Western University's Department of Visual Arts MFA program. On view August 5 – September 10, 2016. Join us for the closing reception: Friday, September 9th at 7PM August 24 – October 1, 2016 at DNA Artspace, located at 123 Dundas St. Reception: Saturday, September 17 from 7-10PM
MFA Thesis Exhibition | Jason Stovall: Thin Skin | McIntosh Gallery
Thin Skin is organized by McIntosh Gallery in collaboration with Western University’s Department of Visual Arts MFA program. On view August 5 – September 10, 2016. Join us for the closing reception: Friday, September 9th at 7PM
MFA Thesis Exhibition | Mina Moosvipour: Emphatic Tension | McIntosh Gallery
Emphatic Tension is organized by McIntosh Gallery in collaboration with Western University’s Department of Visual Arts MFA program. On view August 5 – September 10, 2016. Join us for the closing reception: Friday, September 9th at 7PM
Visual Arts Academic Counselling: Summer 2016
Department of Visual Arts Summer 2016 Academic Counselling is available during scheduled times on a walk-in basis in VAC 200A or by phone at 519-661-2111 ext. 86182. See full schedule for details.
Sarah Munro Nuit Blanche Collage Project | DNA Artspace
DNA Artspace ,June 4, 2016 DNA Artspace and Forest City Gallery are pleased to present a pop-up exhibition and collage project by London-based artist Sarah Munro for London's Nuit Blanche. Taking place on the second floor of DNA Artspace (123 Dundas Street), Sarah Munro's project will include a participatory collage project in which the public is invited to help create three large scale collaged-murals on drywall panels.
New exhibitions by MFA alumna Soheila Esfahani
Equinox Gallery ,June 4 - July 16, 2016 Alumna Soheila Esfahani is included in 3 upcoming exhibitions: "where|between" at Equinox Gallery, "Material Girls" at Contemporary Calgary and "Connect 2016" at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts. More information is available on her website.
Michael Farnan: Representing Wilderness | McIntosh Gallery
Michael Farnan is a multidisciplinary artist and doctoral candidate at Western University. His research explores Canadian representational history and discourses surrounding colonialism, wilderness, nature and nationhood. Michael’s work employs humour, parody and collaboration as tools for critical inquiry and reflection on how we think about relationships to nature. Opening reception: June 3rd at 7PM
Water Now, artist’s books | Weldon Library
Water Now is an exhibition of artist’s books created by students of the Water Now course at the School for Advanced Studies in the Arts and Humanities. On display June 2-30 2016 at the Weldon Library
ARTS&REC: a Nuit Blanche exhibition at Satellite Gallery
Art has work to do. Come see Western University Sculpture students explore art's role in public space. Is art work, play, recreation, or labour? Or perhaps a combination of all four? Through humour, play, labour, craft, construction and design students explore questions of how art serves a public, and in doing so what roles it might play.
Book Launch: Sarah Bassnett | Stephen Bulger Gallery
Stephen Bulger Gallery ,May 28, 2016 Please join Sarah Bassnett for the launch of her new book "Picturing Toronto: Photography and the Making of a Modern City". The launch will be held Saturday May 28th 2-5pm at the Stephen Bulger Gallery in Toronto.
CAFKA.16: Contemporary Art in Public Space
CAFKA ,May 28 - June 26, 2016 CAFKA.16: What we do together that we can’t do alone, features 14 new projects commissioned by CAFKA. This year CAFKA featured installations and projects by MFA candidate Paul Chartrand, alumni Ed Pien as well as Jamelie Hassan and Ron Benner.
Prof. Kirsty Robertson | Manifold Speaers Series: Subtle Technologies
Textile Museum of Canada ,May 14, 2016 Kirsty Robertson presented a talk "Oil Futures/Petrotextiles" at the Manifold Speakers series at the Textile Museum of Canada, part of the Subtle Technologies program.
Liza Eurich and Tegan Moore: Semiopaque | G Gallery
G Gallery ,May 12 - June 25, 2016 MFA alumni Liza Eurich and Tegan Moore's exhibit Semiopaque will be on display at G Gallery, Toronto, May 12 - June 25, 2016. OPENING: Thursday, May 12th 2016, 6-8pm
Chronologues | Museum London
Museum London ,May 7 - August 14, 2016 This group exhibition examines issues of memory and time, through personal narratives and larger, shared histories. It includes works by Barbara Astman, Michael Bidner, Colin Carney, Stan Denniston, Amy Friend, Wyn Geleynse, Maggie Groat, Natalie Hunter, Cyndra MacDowall, Myfanwy MacLeod, Charlotte Moth, Allison Rossiter, Susan Schüppli & Parker Branch (Anna Madelska & Jason Hallows). Reception: Friday, May 13, 2016 at 8:00 pm
Christof Migone Artist Talk | Université Paris 8
Université Paris 8 ,May 6, 2016 Visual Arts Studio Faculty member Christof Migone will be giving an Artist talk at Université Paris 8, May 6, 2016.
Words & [ ] — a Durational Conference of Art & Thought | Darling Foundry
The Darling Foundry ,May 6 - 8, 2016 PhD candidate Stephen Mueller's project Archives Communautaires will be part of The School of Making Thinking’s Words & [ ]: a Durational Conference of Art and Thought at The Darling Foundry, Montreal (May 6–8).
#shortvideo | HighEdWeb Michigan
HighEdWeb Michigan ,May 5 - 6, 2016 Western Visual Arts Technical Specialist Manager Julia Beltrano will be presenting a lecture on the use of short videos and animated gifs in higher education web strategies at the HighEdWeb conference in Michigan, May 5-6, 2016.
MARK KASUMOVIC: INSTRUMENTAL | Art Gallery of Mississauga
Art Gallery of Mississauga ,May 5 - June 12, 2016 Mark Kasumovic's photographs of scientific instruments and facilities offer an investigation of how advances in technology have altered the previously symbiotic relationship of photography to the material world. Opening: May 5th - 6-9pm Artist Talk: Sunday, June 12, 1 pm
Christof Migone Performances | vs. Interpretation & Cave 12
Cave 12 ,May 4, 2016 Visual Arts Studio Faculty member Christof Migone has a Solo Performance at the vs. Interpretation Festival in Prague, May 1st. In addition, he will be performing at Cave 12 in Geneva May 4th.
Simone Sciascetti | Symbiotic: The Human Body and Constructs of Nature | MFA Thesis
Simone Sciascetti ,Western Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies ,May 2016 Congratulations to Simone Sciascetti! Her thesis "Symbiotic: The Human Body and Constructs of Nature" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Helen Gregory | Un-Natural Histories: The Specimen as Site of Knowledge Production in Contemporary Art | PhD Thesis
Helen Gregory ,Western Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies ,May 2016 Congratulations to Helen Gregory! Her thesis "Un-Natural Histories: The Specimen as Site of Knowledge Production in Contemporary Art" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Annette Kolodny prize for environment and culture | American Studies Association
American Studies Association ,May 2016 Congratulations to Prof. Kirsty Robertson who was awarded the 2016 Annette Kolodny prize for environment and culture from the American Studies Association for her work on petrotextiles.
Making Strange | Magenta Magazine, Spring 2016
Jamie Faye Ryan ,Magenta Magazine ,MFA alumna Liza Eurich’s exhibition at G Gallery is reviewed by Jamie Faye Ryan in the Spring issue in Magenta Magazine. The exhibition which also features work by alumna Teagan Moore continues until June 25th.
Hard Science | Magenta Magazine, Spring 2016
Matthew Ryan Smith ,Magenta Magazine ,May 2016 PhD alumnus Matthew Ryan Smith discusses Plastiglomerates and the implication of the Anthropocene era with Prof. Kelly Jazvac in the Spring issue of Magenta Magazine.
Hard Science | Magenta Magazine, Spring 2016
Matthew Ryan Smith ,Magenta Magazine ,May 2016 PhD alumnus Matthew Ryan Smith discusses Plastiglomerates and the implication of the Anthropocene era with Prof. Kelly Jazvac in the Spring issue of Magenta Magazine.
WORK/S | Undergraduate Awards | Featuring "The Stacks" at Artlab Gallery
The Undergraduate Awards/Artlab Gallery ,April 29 - June 30, 2016 WORK/S is a series of art exhibitions taking place over the course of 7 weeks, across 8 higher education institutions of art and design in 5 countries: Ireland, Scotland, Singapore, USA, and Canada. The institutions are displaying the work of their past and current students who were either Winners or Highly Commended Entrants in The Undergraduate Awards 2015 program. Alumna Emily Copeland's work currently on display in the Artlab is included in this online exhibition.
International Conference on Artistic Research | Hague
International Conference on Artistic Research ,April 28 - 29, 2016 Visual Arts Studio Faculty member Christof Migone is a contributor to the Writing and Sound Art Workshop at the International Conference on Artistic Research in The Hague, April 28-29.
Enroll now in "Art, Visual Culture and Power" with Prof. Christine Sprengler
This course introduces students to the complex relationships between art and power and the ways in which both have been defined, engaged and mobilized from ancient times to the present. VAH 1041a (May 16 - June 2)
Emily Copeland: The Stacks | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is very pleased to present the work of Visual Arts alumna Emily Copeland who graduated from the Visual Arts Department, Western University with a BFA/Honors Specialization in studio Arts, 2015. Please join us in the Artlab Gallery for afternoon tea as we celebrate Emily Copeland’s many successes. Thursday May 5th from 2-4pm.
PhD Spring Sessions: Josée Drouin-Brisebois | National Gallery of Canada
Department of Visual Arts at Western University - PhD Spring Sessions presents a lecture by Josée Drouin-Brisebois Contemporary Curator, The National Gallery of Canada. 10:30 am in the Artlab Gallery.
The Black and White Exhibition | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present The Black and White Exhibition. Back for the second consecutive year this collaborative event features artwork from over eighty students from five local Secondary Schools. This diverse outreach exhibit features curated selections from high schools situated within the Thames Valley District School Board including; Sir Fredrick Banting, H.B. Beal, London Central, A.B. Lucas, and Oakridge Secondary Schools.
Prof. Kelly Jazvac on the 2016 Sobey Award Longlist
the National Gallery of Canada ,April 13, 2016 Congratulations to Visual Arts Studio Faculty member Kelly Jazvac on her inclusion in the 2016 Sobey Longlist. The Sobey Art Award is the pre-eminent prize for Canadian artists 40 and under. Presented annually, the award celebrates some of our country’s most exciting young artists and provides significant financial recognition.
Artist-led tour of Kim Moodie: Any Dream Will Do | McIntosh Gallery
McIntosh Gallery ,April 7, 2016 Join us Thursday, April 7th, 4pm at the McIntosh Gallery for an artist-led tour of by Studio Faculty member Kim Moodie of his exhibition: Any Dream Will Do.
Teen Dream: Matthew Ryan Smith & Licorice Whip | The BookCase
The Bookcasemicro-museum and library ,April 7, 2016 Teen Dream: Matthew Ryan Smith & Licorice Whip, opens this Thursday, April 7th at The BookCase Micro Museum and Library. This is an ongoing project by Prof. Kirsty Robertson located in VAC 221.
Imagine Health Design Contest Winner Announced
The jury of the Imagine Health Contest is pleased to announce that the Image Health Design Contest received a very competitive set of 25 submissions from 21 students. All submissions rose to the challenge of designing a compelling visual marketing campaign for a new healthcare product. Congratulations to Mark Kasumovic on his winning design!
Geordie Shepherd: Manifest | London Clay Art Centre
London Clay Art Centre ,April 5 - 29, 2016 April 5th-29th, 2016. Opening reception, Thursday April 7th, 6-9pm, London Clay Arts Centre, 644 Dundas St.
Tough As Nails: Transgressive Queer Glamour | Younger Than Beyonce Gallery
YTB Gallery ,April 5 - 23, 2016 Curator: MA candidate Genevieve Flavelle; Artwork By: Maddie Alexander, Kim Ninkuru, Beck Gilmer Osborne, BFA candidate Danny Welsh, Shellie Zhang, Tuesday, April 5th - Saturday, April 23rd Opening reception, Friday April 8, 7 - 11 pm
MFA Thesis exhibition, Simone Sciascetti: Symbiotic | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present SYMBIOTIC, the MFA Thesis exhibition of Simone Sciascetti. Sciascetti’s sculptural works explore the relationship between forms found in nature, specifically dead or abandoned trees, and figurative sculpture. Closing Reception: April 22, 7-9pm
Angela Melitopoulos & Maurizio Lazzarato Screening and Lecture | Artlab Gallery
Join us Wednesday April 27th in the Artlab 2:30pm Video Screening: Assemblages: Félix Guattari and Machinic Animism by Angela Melitopoulos and Maurizio Lazzarato. 4:30pm Lecture: Maurizio Lazzarato Financialization and War: Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality and Subjectivity
Michael Farnan named top 25 finalist in SSHRC's 2016 Storytellers challenge
SSHRC ,April 4, 2016 Congratulations to Western Visual Art and Culture PhD candidate Micheal Farnan who is one of the Top 25 finalists in SSHRC's 2016 Storytellers challenge. Click the link to watch his work "Representing Wilderness: Community, Collaboration, & Artistic Practice"
Picturing Toronto: Photography and the Making of a Modern City | Sarah Bassnett
Sarah Bassnett ,McGill-Queen's University Press ,April 2016 Sarah Bassnett's new book, Picturing Toronto: Photography and the Making of a Modern City, published by McGill-Queen's University Press, looks at photography's role in the liberal reform of early twentieth-century Toronto.
New Article and Conference Paper by Prof. Kathryn Brush
the Medieval Academy of America ,April, 2016 Professor Kathryn Brush delivered a paper at the conference of the Medieval Academy of America in Boston. The topic of her paper was “Imagin(in)g the Middle Ages in Ruins: Arthur Kingsley Porter and Lucy Wallace Porter in the régions dévastées, 1918-19.” She has also published an article: Kathryn Brush, “Adolph Goldschmidt und Arthur Kingsley Porter. Vergleichende Corpuswerkforschung in Deutschland und Amerika vor 1933,” Atlanten des Wissens. Adolph Goldschmidts Corpuswerke 1914 bis heute, ed. Kai Kappel, Claudia Rückert and Stefan Trinks (Berlin and Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2016), pp. 62-83.
Tropical Depression: Sam Noseworthy | Concourse Gallery
Influenced by the musical mash-up of Vaporwave - a micro-movement considered to be the first global music genre which originated purely online (Reddit, 2010), the works in Tropical Depression combine video, 3D prints and 2D imagery to push the concept of Remix Culture.
Where Have All the Poets Gone? | CBC Books Documentary
Sook-Yin Lee ,CBC Radio ,March 25, 2016 In her new documentary, Where Have All the Poets Gone?, CBC Radio host Sook-Yin Lee tracks down reclusive Canadian poet and former broadcaster Phyllis Webb. Lee's search leads her to question CanLit cultural myths and turn her attention to a new generation of Canadian poets. The documentary will be live on as of 4pm, March 25th and features a performance by Western BFA student Ronnie Clarke.
Who said fungi cannot be fun? | Western News
Heather Hughes ,Western News ,March 24, 2016 The unique event featured artwork, mushroom treats, music and a presentation by fungi expert and Biology professor R. Greg Thorn. The event was organized by Visual Arts professor Kirsty Robertson.
The Terror of Knowing, Curated by Player 2 | LOMAA
LOMAA - London Ontario Media Arts Association ,March 19, 2016 LOMAA's Visiting Artist Program is excited to host the first of three curated exhibitions. Player 2, the curating duo of Western University Alumni Diana Poulsen (MA 2010) and Matt Sparling (MFA 2008), will present an evening of video game art where viewers are encouraged to play and interact, while additionally facilitating a game-making workshop.
Western Student Research Conference | Western University
Student Success Centre ,March 19, 2016 Western Student Research Conference (WSRC) is Western’s university-wide interdisciplinary undergraduate research conference, held on March 19th. Dr. John Hatch will be a panelist at the WSRC.
Kim Moodie: Any Dream Will Do | McIntosh Gallery
McIntosh Gallery ,March 18 - May 14, 2016 Long recognized for his incredibly detailed, densely-packed imagery, London-based artist Kim Moodie has recently made unexpected forays into photography and video that, as he puts it, “breathe through time”. This exhibition will be the first time audiences will see these startling new perspectives on themes he has explored previously only in painting and drawing. Opening reception: March 18th at 7:00 P.M.
SolTerre: Advanced Studio Foundations Exhibition | SATELLiTE
SATELLiTE Project Space ,March 16 - 18, 2016 The Crew from Western University’s Visual Arts Advanced Studio Foundations class launches their multimedia project SolTerre at the Satellite Space Wednesday March 16th 5:30 - 7:30pm. Gallery Hours: Friday, March18 & Saturday March, 19, 12-3pm
Trap Card | The Arts Project
The Arts Project ,March 15 - 26, 2016 TRAP CARD reveals new works in painting, illustration, drawing, print, photography and performance. Works in this exhibition demonstrate independent explorations into image, narrative, feminist stance, memory, and personal history.Join us for the opening reception, Tuesday, March 15th, 6:30–8:30pm
Mushroom Festival | The Bookcase Micromuseum
On March 17, The Bookcase Micromuseum is hosting a Mushroom Festival! Featuring artworks by local, national, and international artists, as well as mushroom treats, and a presentation on local mushrooms by Western fungi experts, the Mushroom Festival is a one day mycology extravaganza.
Art Now! Speakers' Series Presents: Ian Doig-Phaneuf
Join us for a talk by Ian Doig-Phaneuf, a London based musician, DJ, proprietor of the record label A Person Disguised as People, and is both Music Director and a radio host at 94.9 CHRW.
Students Push Art in New Directions | London Free Press
Joe Belanger ,The London Free Press ,March 7, 2016 Joe Belanger of the London Free Press interviews graduate chair Patrick Mahon about the Western University Open Studios.
Ido Govrin: Silent Maps | Redhead Gallery
The Redhead Gallery ,MArch 2, 2016 Phd candidate Ido Govrin's solo exhibition "Silent Maps" is on view at the Red Head Gallery. Opening reception is March 2nd, 18:00 at the Red Head Gallery (401 Richmond, Toronto).
Prof. Cody Barteet: Through Colonial Eyes | Carleton University
The Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies ,March 2, 2016 Professor Barteet will discuss Sixteenth Century Maya Nobleman Gaspar Antonio Chi on the Urban Fabric of Mayapan. Wednesday March 2nd, 2:30pm Dunton 2017, Carleton University, Ottawa.
WATCH: Western Gazette Video on the Cabinet of Shadows
Samah Ali ,Western Gazette | ArtLab ,March 1 - 11, 2016 Watch a video tour & read the exhibition review for the Cabinet of Shadows exhibition on view until March 11 at the Artlab Gallery.
Future Desserts : Practicum Class Graduating Exhibition | Artlab
The Artlab is pleased to present, "Future Deserts" the Practicum Class Graduating Exhibition. March 18 – April 6, 2016 Opening Reception: Friday March 18, 7-9pm with remarks at 7:30pm. Free and open to the public!
Michael Farnan: "Searching For Grey Owl" Performance | Artlab
March 11, 2016 at 6:00pm in the Artlab Gallery, Michael Farnan's "Searching for Grey Owl". Farnan's performance focuses on the popular legacy of Grey Owl in this country, and themes related to Canada's settler history, National Parks, nature spirituality, and contemporary representational practices that continue to privilege and empower colonial constructions of space and place.
Conference on Advanced and Emerging Topics for Career Paths
University Community Centre (UCC) ,Prof. Patrick Mahon will be speaking at this conference and will be part of a panel presenting their experience and thoughts on advanced and emerging topics for career paths, how to get into these fields, graduate studies, career prospects, and future trends.Sunday, February 28, 2016, 9:40 am - 2:30 pm in UCC
LOMAA's presents "Life of a Craphead's" Bugs with LIVE performance
LOMAA - London Ontario Media Arts Association ,February 26, 2016 Bugs -- the debut feature film from performance artists Life of a Craphead -- is a satire about a bug society and its most powerful family. Featuring situations like a university lecture gone wrong and a failed SNL episode, the story presents the absurdity of life within a patriarchal society obsessed with success. Western University Students Lucas Cabral(BFA) and Sam Noseworthy (MFA) will open the Bugs screening with video works. 7:45pm, 355 Clarence St.
P. Corcoran & K. Jazvac | Anthropocene Epoch Markers
Biological & Geological Sciences RM: 0153 ,February 26, 2016 The proposed Anthropocene epoch is a period of time marked by human interaction with Earth’s natural systems. Examples of anthropogenic stratigraphic markers include artificial radionuclides, aluminum metal, fly ash particles, and persistent organic pollutants. Attend this lecture featuring Visual Arts faculty member Kelly Jazvac to learn more. 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Biological & Geological Sciences RM: 0153
VASA Art Sale | UCC Atrium & Visual Arts Centre
This year the Visual Arts Supporters' Association has organized an art sale over two days in two locations. Don't miss your chance to buy original student artwork with proceeds benefiting the student artists! March 2nd in the UCC & March 3rd in the VAC.
Art Now! Presents: LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs
Join us March 3rd, 7pm for a talk by LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs. Her interdisciplinary work has been featured at the The Kitchen, Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Walker Art Center, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth Texas, REVERSE in Denmark, Poesiefestival in Berlin and the 2015 Venice Biennale.
Western University Open Studios and Graduate Symposium
Join us for the 3rd Annual Open Studios at Western University's Department of Visual Arts. Meet students and see artwork by our BFA, MFA & PhD students. March 11th, 2016. This year’s Open Studios (1-8pm) will run in conjunction with the Visual Arts Graduate Symposium, "Upset & Disarray: Re-Presenting the Museum" (10am-5pm).
Tom Sherman Video Screening | Artlab Gallery
The artist Tom Sherman will present a selection of his video works including the world premiere of an experiment in robotic expressionism.
Art Now! Speakers' Series Presents: Tom Sherman
Join us for a talk by Artist Tom Sherman who represented Canada at the Venice Biennale in 1980, and over five decades his interdisciplinary work has been featured in hundreds of international exhibitions and festivals, including the Vancouver Art Gallery, National Gallery of Canada, Museum of Modern Art, and Ars Electronica.
Canadian Art at the Art Gallery of Ontario | Georgiana Uhlyarik
Associate Curator of Canadian Art, Georgiana Uhlyarik, will discuss collecting practices and the AGO’s recent exhibitions, Picturing the Americas and Introducing Suzy Lake. Organized by Professor Sarah Bassnett. 11:30 - 2:30pm, NCB 117
Deep Lines | Concourse Gallery
Deep Lines is an exploration of the individualism found within and between the lines that are drawn, carved, etched, and printed. This exhibition displays the experimental work of the third and fourth year students in VAS3330 Advanced Printmaking.
Finishing Lines: One-Day Performance Festival | Forest City Gallery
McIntosh Gallery ,February 18, 2016 This performance art festival will feature works by BFA alumna Jessica Karuhanga and current PhD candidate Stephen Mueller. Thursday, February 18, 2016 3:00-9:30pm. Co-presented with the McIntosh Gallery.
Enroll now in Intersession Sculpture with Prof. Kelly Jazvac
Need an advanced studio credit in a compressed time frame? Want to learn about contemporary sculpture and installation while gaining experience using new tools and fabricating techniques? Want to participate in an exhibition at Satellite Gallery downtown? Take VAS3322A!
The River is Everywhere: Investigating Local Water through Images and Activism | Satellite Project Space
SATELLiTE Project Space ,February 9 - 12, 2016 On display February 9-12 Satellite Project Space. Opening Reception February 10 from 4:30 to 6 pm. This is a celebratory event showcasing the creative investigations of a class entitled "Water Now," through the presentation of photographs, posters, a water treatment sculpture, and an archive developed by the students.
Drawing 2016: 17th Annual Juried Exhibition | John B. Aird Gallery
John B. Aird Gallery ,February 9 - March 4, 2016 Alumna Nilou Salimi has work included in the Drawing 2016 exhibition at the John B. Aird Gallery. Exhibition dates: February 9 to March 4, 2016Opening Reception: Thursday February 11th, 6 to 8 p.m.
Cabinet of Shadows: The Reliquary for Lost Animals | Artlab
Cabinet of Shadows looks at the relationship between humans and famous animals, including Jumbo the Elephant, Jonah the embalmed Blue Whale, and Martha the Passenger Pigeon. Opening Reception: Thursday February 25, 5-7PM
Art Now! Speakers' Series Presents: Kim Solga
Kim Solga is Associate Professor, Theatre Studies, in the Department of English and Writing Studies at Western. Join us at 7pm, in NCB 113 for her lecture, part of the Art Now Speakers' Series.
Ronnie Clarke: Video Fever | Trinity Square Video
Trinity Square Video ,February 5, 2016 Congratulations to Western University student Ronnie Clarke on being selected for Trinity Square Video's fourth annual fourth annual showcase of emerging video artists from undergraduate program in the Toronto and surrounding area. February 5th, 7pm at TSV.
Imagine Health Design Contest
Open to undergraduate and graduate Visual Arts Students: An exciting and unique opportunity to use your creative, artistic and technical skills to conceptualize a creative marketing campaign for a new healthcare product. Prize for best entry: $5000
Siân Evans | Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thons
Western alumna Siân Evans (MA, Art History, 2007) will speak about her involvement in founding and organizing the internationally lauded “Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thons.” This talk is co-sponsored by Visual Arts and SASAH.
Art Now! Speakers' Series Presents: Paola Poletto
Join us for a talk Thursday February 4th, in NCB 113 by MFA alumna Paola Poletto, the Manager of Adult Learning and Residency Programs at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Matthew Ryan Smith Announced as New Curator at Glenhyrst Art Gallery
Glenhyrst Art Gallery ,Alumnus Matthew Ryan Smith has accepted the position of Curator at the Glenhyrst Art Gallery of Brant in Brantford, ON. He has also recently published the articles "Hip to be Square: The Pixel Revolution in Art and Visual Culture" in Blackflash Magazine and "March of the Land Writers: Indigenous Graffiti Art Interventions" in First American Art Magazine, as well as a feature interview in Afterimage: Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism titled "Climbing "Internet Mountains": A Conversation with Clive Holden."
AJE 14: Award Winners Announced
See a full list of award winners from the Artlab Annual Juried Exhibition. The exhibition continues until February 11th, 2016.
Duration and Dialogue Performance Art Festival and Symposium
Katzman Contemporary ,January 30-31, 2016 PhD candidate Stephen Mueller will be taking part in a 22-hour live durational performance of his work "A Twenty Two Hour Hug" Saturday, January 30 10pm to Sunday, January 31, 10pm at Katzman Contemporary.
Curatorial Incubator v.13: On Shoulders | Vtape
Curatorial Incubator ,January 29 - February 18, 2016 This year, The Curatorial Incubator, v.13 – The Job of Life asked emerging curators to consider the changing environment we call “work”. This screening will feature PhD candidate Rehab Nazzal’s "A Night at Home" (2009).
Talkingheads | Concourse Gallery
One hundred and seventy nine first year students from VAS1020 have created hybrid head masks which combine imagery of contemporary and historical persons juxtaposed with an image of a family relative.
Art Now! Speakers' Series Presents: cheyanne turions
Join us at 7pm, in NCB 113 for a talk by cheyanne turions, an independent, Toronto-based curator and writer who holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of British Columbia. Free admission, all are welcome!
Apply now to Visual Arts Awards & Scholarships
Apply now to the Bess A. Hewitt Scholarship in Visual Arts; Canadian Embroiderers' Guild, London, Memorial Prize; Madeline Lennon Essay Award; & Gray Creative Arts Award
Drawing Conclusions | RISD Museum
RSID Museum ,January 22 - September 25, 2016 Drawn from the Museum’s collection of works on paper, this exhibition explores the multivalence of narrative in contemporary art. It presents a diverse collection of works that tell stories, blending the public and personal, the real and fictional. Co-curated by Western University alumnus Jagdeep Raina.
Showroom | Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and University of Toronto Art Centre
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery ,January 21- March 5, 2016 The inaugural exhibition Showroom, curated by Sarah Robayo Sheridan, is a major survey exhibition of Toronto art that considers the dramatic changes brought about by a decade of rapid urban development. The exhibition includes work by studio faculty member Kelly Jazvac.
Sky Glabush: What Is a Self? | Oakville Galleries
Oakville Galleries ,January 17 - March 13, 2016 For this solo exhibition Faculty member, Sky Glabush presents new mixed-media sculptures and dyed weavings. With each gallery in the show conceived as a distinct vignette juxtaposing the artist's 2D and 3D works, "What Is a Self?" explores architecture as a structure capable of ordering the self in all its manifestations. Opening Reception January 17, 3:30-5:00pm
Barbara Hobot: Strong Bonds | UWAG
UWAG ,January 14, 2016 Alumna Barbara Hobot’s multidisciplinary artworks are made from objects that have been manipulated, traced, and translated from one medium into another. Her exhibition at the University of Waterloo Art Gallery opens Thursday, January 14 from 5:00–8:00 pm
Montañas y ríos sin fin | Cuenca, Ecuador
Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno Equador ,January 14, 2016 Professor Patrick Mahon, Current PhD candidate Ulises Unda and MFA alumnus Gautam Garroo are included in an exhibition opening at the "Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno Equador" It is co-curated by part time faculty member Andres Villar.
Art Now! Speakers' Series Presents: Karin Jones
Join us for the first Art Now Talk of 2016 with Artist Karin Jones, 7pm in NCB 113. Presented in collaboration with the McIntosh Gallery, the talk will be followed by the opening reception of Jones' exhibition "Worn" at 8pm, at the McIntosh.
Sotto | Modern Fuel
Modern Fuel ,January 9, 2016 sotto brings together work by five artists who employ the language of contemporary painting to explore themes ranging from matter and material to presence and place. Participating artists include Western University Alumni Kim Neudorf (MFA) and Jag Raina (BFA) Opening Reception: 9 January, 2016 at 7 pm
À la recherche (in search of practice-based research) | Open Studio
Open Studio ,January 8 - February 6, 2016 This exhibition curated by Barbara Balfour features work by faculty members: Patrick MAHON, David MERRITT , Christof MIGONE, and Alumni: Janice GURNEY, Andy PATTON, Ed PIEN. Opening reception, Friday January 8, 6:30-8:30pm
Ido Govrin: To return to a place, is, like dying | Hansen House, Jerusalem
Hansen House, Jerusalem ,January 7 - February 20, 2016 PhD candidate Ido Govrin currently has a solo exhibition titled "To return to a place, is, like dying" on display at Hansen House, Jerusalem. Visit the link to see more or view the exhibition catalogue
Quintin Teszari: On Plastiglomerate | Temporary Art Review
Quintin Teszeri ,Temporary Art Review ,January 6, 2016 A response to the plastic-infused stone described by geologist Dr. Patricia Corcoran, oceanographer Charles J. Moore, and artist Kelly Jazvac. Click the title to read the full article.
Confab | Concourse Gallery
Join us between January 11th to 19th for Confab: a student exhibition of works created in contemporary media. To celebrate Confab, come to the reception on January 14th, 6-7pm.
17 Visual Artists You Should Know In 2016 | Huffington Post
Priscilla Frank, Katherine Brooks ,Huffington Post ,January 2016 Huffington Post names alumnus Brendan Fernandes, (MFA '05), one of the "17 Visual Artists You Should Know In 2016" Follow the link to read the full article.
Closed System/ Sustainable Growth | Artlab Gallery
Join us for the first opening reception of 2016, Thursday, January 7th , 5-7pm at the Artlab Gallery. This exhibition features work by Western University's Department of Visual Arts MFA students.
Taco Feast | Artlab Gallery
Taco Feast The Artlab Gallery invites you to be part of an art experience with MFA candidates Juanita Lee-Garcia, Paul Chartrand, and guest artist Eugenio Salas AKA #riceandbeans who will cook-up a Taco Feast.
AJE 14: Annual Juried Exhibition | Artlab Gallery
Back for the 14th year in a row, this highly anticipated exhibition features a diverse selection of artworks by Undergraduate students in the Visual Arts Department. Save the date and join us for the Opening Reception: Thursday January 28 >5-7pm
Call for Submissions : AJE 14 | Artlab Gallery
Back for the 14th year in a row, this highly anticipated exhibition features a diverse selection of artworks by Undergraduate students in the Visual Arts Department. Students are invited to submit their work, see the Artlab reception desk for an application form.
The Story Behind Asteroid 14060 Patersonewen | Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena VIII
Astronomical Society of the PacificConference Series ,January 2016 John G. Hatch’s paper, "The Story Behind Asteroid 14060 Patersonewen" has just been published in Brian Patrick Abbott (ed.), Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena VIII: City of Stars (San Francisco and New York: Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the American Museum of Natural History, 2015), pp. 67-73.