Western Open Studio 2015 | JLVisual Arts Centre

Open Studios at Western University

See the Art | Meet the Artists

The Department of Visual Arts at Western University is pleased to present the 2015 MFA/PhD Open Studio. Now in its second year, Western Open Studio allows members of the community, art enthusiasts and the general public access to our graduate studio spaces. Join us at the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre as we open our doors for the evening. See the art; Meet the artists! Participating student artists will be in attendance to discuss their work. A full list of participating artists can be found below.

Open Studio will be held in conjunction with the BFA Practicum graduating exhibition "Vault" at the ArtLab gallery, David Rokeby's exhibition "Very Nervous System" at McIntosh Gallery, as well as the the "Boredom" Visual Arts Graduate Conference that will be held the following day from 10am-7pm.

Open Studios Schedule - March 20, 2015

1:00pm - 8:00pm: MFA, PhD, and BFA Practicum Open Studios.

3:45pm - 4:45pm: Tour of David Rokeby Exhibition led by James Patten at McIntosh Gallery.

7:00pm - 9:00pm: "Vault": BFA Practicum Graduating Exhibition in the Artlab.

9:00pm - Midnight: After-Party Drinks/Food/Dance with DrDJPhD. 
                                Catered by Hosiptality Services - Cash Bar.

Participating Artists

Participating artist will be present and their studios will be open to the public.

Sherry Czekus
Juanita Lee-Garcia
Lynette de Montreuil
Mina Moosavipour
Michael Pszczonak
Niloufar Salimi
Simone Sciascetti
Jason Stovall
Matt Tarini
Quintin Teszeri

Michael Farnan
Mark Kasumovic
Stephen Mueller
Kate Tarini

BFA - Practicum Class
Randi Aiken
Megan Arnold
Mariah Bailey
Cayley Cowan
Vikki Delle Donne
Taylor Doyle
Jamie Dronyk
Amy Harrington
Mitchell Kemp
Odre Lefebvre
Francesca Mak
Faith Patrick
Nicholas Reddon
Angelika Schulz
Mackenzie Sinclair
Erik Skouris
Jennifer Stevenson
Devan Vasile


Free Parking on Friday in Lot Y, (Visual Arts Perimiter Lot) on the North side of the VAC,  2pm-12 Midnight.
Metered parking is also availible on the south side of the Visual Arts building.

Directions & Shuttle from Toronto

For directions to the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, please use the Western Maps tool. Use the keyword "Visual Arts" or VAC to find our building.

There will be a FREE BUS from Toronto departing from Mercer Union at 1:30pm and returning at 9:30pm.

RSVP is required to ensure a spot on the bus: http://westernopenstudios.rsvpify.com/
Space is limited.

For more information: 

Western Open Studios on Facebook

This event is proudly sponsered by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Western University, The Department of Visual Arts, McIntosh Gallery and Curry's Art Store.

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