Frequently Asked Questions


When is the next Vindolanda Field School scheduled?

The next program is planned for the winter term 2025 with the field component taking place in May 2025.

What is the cost for the Vindolanda Field School?

The cost varies from year to year based on exchange rate, inflation, program activities, and other factors. The program usually costs somewhere around $2500-$3000 per person (does not include international flight and food while on the trip).

How Do I Apply?

The application and all the information for submission can be found on the Department of Classical Studies website. The application can also be accessed here. You will find additional information about the Vindolanda Field School here.

When is the application due?

The application is due in late November in the Fall term before the course. See the application page for year-specific dates and information.

Why do I need to apply for a course at Western?

The program is limited to 8 Western students each year because of the nature of archaeological excavations and its capacity. Students are chosen through a competitive application process that takes into account applicants’ year and program of study, academic record, and career goals. We may conduct interviews with candidates during the exam period in December if we have many applications (they have varied in past years from 8 to 25).

When will I know if I’ve been accepted onto the course?

Applicants will be informed of decisions by the start of the winter term. Students will have the opportunity to review the offer and inform the department and field school directors of their decision to participate or to decline the offer.

How will I register for the right winter term course?

Once you have accepted your offer to participate you will receive special permission to register in the course.

Will I need to drop another course to take CS4580: Vindolanda Field School?

It depends. If you are registered currently for 5 courses that do not include CS4580, you may need to drop one to fit the course into your schedule. Some students overload with 6 courses for the winter term, since there is no specific meeting time during the winter for field school and you will not have weekly course assignments. Please be advised: if you want to overload you will need permission from your academic counselor.

What is the time commitment in the winter term?

There will be meetings held approximately every 3 weeks (about 4-5 in total) for Field School participants during the Winter term. We will discuss details for the course and the course content, as well as plan for travel to the UK. We will schedule these meetings at a time when all participants can attend.

How is the program structured?

Students receive academic course credit for their participation and, therefore, the academic rigor of the program is high. The archaeology component will be fulfilled through full participation in the weekly excavation schedule at Vindolanda, while the majority of the history hours will be met through lectures and weekly field trips. The full syllabus for the next Field School will be available at the start of the winter term, which will provide a daily schedule for the 5 weeks in England.