Conference & Research Travel Award

Actively registered full-time Philosophy graduate students may apply for funding to support participation in academic conferences and their research. Maximum award amount may vary each fiscal year.

Step 1: Pre-Approval Application Form (FORM A)

Step 2: Reimbursement Processing Form (FORM B)

Award Details

The Conference & Research Travel Award is a fund created by Western University's Faculty of Arts and Humanities’ Department of Philosophy to support eligible Philosophy graduate students as they participate in academic conferences and formal research. All applications are subject to approval by the Philosophy Graduate Chair.

2024-25 Award Amount: $750
Pre-Approval Application Deadline: open; ongoing until February 1st, 2025
Reimbursement Application Deadline: within 60 days of travel and before April 30th
Applicant Eligibility:
Applicants must be actively registered full-time and in good standing in the Department of Philosophy graduate program at the time of expense claim submission. Priority given to those currently within the fundable period and who do not hold an external award. Maximum one award per student for the fiscal year.

Expense Eligibility:
Travel costs related to presenting a paper at a conference that is relevant to the student's academic research area. Typically, this paper will be accepted on the basis of a peer review selection process.
Travel costs related to formal research with demonstrated relevance to student's thesis.


Related Links

> Travel & Expenses FAQs