Faculty Members
Faculty members in the School of Health Studies are engaged in impactful research across a number of health-related areas. Click on a faculty member's name to view their full profile and learn more about their research or teaching areas.
Dominic A. Alaazi
- Population aging
- Long-term care
- Immigrant health
- Environmental health promotion
- Health disparities
Anushka Ataullahjan
- Sexual and reproductive health; Family Planning
- Inequity, Social Exclusion, and Marginalization
- Humanitarian Crisis
- Qualitative Methods; Ethnographic approaches
- Global Health (Geographic focus on Pakistan)
Shauna Burke
- Infant, child, and youth health
- Childhood obesity
- Measurement and promotion of physical activity in children and adults
- Breastfeeding and infant feeding practices
- Health promotion
- Group dynamics
Eric Collins
- Addiction
- Mental health
- Mental illness
- Higher education
- Recovery
Obidimma Ezezika
- Implementation Science
- Global Health Innovation
- African Development
- Food Security & Nutrition
- Experiential Education
Rachel Forrester-Jones
- Life course of people living with intellectual disabilities and people living with mental health issues
- Social inclusion of vulnerable adults through social support networks
- Research ethics
- Social protection
- Legal interventions to support vulnerable citizens and communities.
- Contemporary social issues in the Middle East and North Africa
Lesley Gittings
- HIV & sexual and reproductive health
- Adolescence
- Gender
- Eastern and Southern Africa; Canada
- Climate change and health
- Qualitative, arts-based, participatory, community-engaged approaches
Jennifer Irwin
- Health Promotion
- Motivational interviewing and coaching interventions
- Promotion of movement behaviours
- Kindness and resilience
- Health-related behaviour change
Andrew Johnson
- Neural efficiency, information processing speed
- Interaction between cognition and motor function
- Identification of patient values within an evidence-based practice framework
- Identification of concussion, and tracking concussion symptoms
Tarun Katapally
- Digital epidemiology and population health
- Active living
- Child and youth health
- Climate change
- Food security and sovereignty
- Global health
- Indigenous health
- Infectious diseases
- Mental health
- Substance misuse
Ken Kirkwood
- Ethics of ingestion
- Moral understandings of things humans put in their bodies
- Recreational and performance-enhancing drug use
- Food ethics
- Social class issues and disparities of health and health care provision
Anita Kothari
- Supporting the use of research and knowledge in healthcare decision-making (knowledge translation)
- Integrated knowledge translation or research co-production (partnered research)
- The impact of research and evidence
- Public health systems and services
- Health equity
Tara Mantler
- Intimate partner violence
- Maternal and child health
- Women’s health
- Mental Health
- Rural and Remote Health
Elysée Nouvet
- Global Health and Global Health Research: Perceptions, power, ethics
- Humanitarian healthcare
- Social determinants, responses to, and impacts of suffering
- Pain and palliative care across cultures
- Best practices in research with marginalized populations
- Drones for health
Treena Orchard
- Gender and sex work
- Digital sexuality and dating practices
- The politics of health and post-colonialism
- Marginalized communities
- Ethnography and collaborative research
- Arts-based methodologies
- Creative writing and memoir
Michael Robinson
- Sports Medicine
- Concussion
- Global Warming and Sport Safety
Marie Savundranayagam
- Communication and formal and informal caregiving
- Person-centered care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia
- Caregiver interventions
Jacob Shelley
- Proper limits and role of law in promoting public health and preventing chronic disease
- Issues that arise at the interface of law, health science, and ethics
Shannon L. Sibbald
- Interdisciplinary Health and Health Systems Research
- Combining the methods and theories from a variety of disciplines to create innovative solutions to health systems challenges
- Implementation Science
- Evidence-based approaches to implementing healthcare innovations
- Interprofessional Teams
- How high performing health care teams work
- How current education and training can prepare students for interprofessional work
- Patient-centred models of care for chronic disease management
Maxwell Smith
- Public health ethics/population-level bioethics
- Infectious disease ethics
- Bioethics
- Health equity and social justice
- Health policy
Afshin Vafaei
- Aging and health
- Epidemiology and biostatistics
- Social determinants of health
Aleksandra Zecevic
- Aging and health
- Gerontology
- Falls and injury prevention in the elderly (systems approach)
- Safety culture in health care
- Dementia, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis
- Biomechanics (gait, balance, mobility)
- Age Friendly Cities
- Gerontological education