Employee & Family Health Clinic
The Employee & Family Health Clinic is located in Thames Hall room 2120.
Book an Appointment
To book an appointment with the Employee & Family Health Clinic you can:
- call 519-661-2047 and speak with a receptionist
The clinic is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Services Available
Physical Health Appointments
Book a physical health appointment by calling our office at 519-661-2047.
Flu Shots & Other Vaccinations
Western employees looking to get their flu shot can book an appointment with the Employee & Family Health Clinic and request one. Seasonal flu clinics will be happening in the London community and on-campus.
For more information on vaccinations & upcoming Flu clinics, check our Vaccination Recommendations page.
Dietitian Services
Gut Healthy Dietitian will be providing dietitian services on-campus for students, faculty, and staff through Health & Wellness Services at Thames Hall.
We offer 1:1 nutrition counselling for a wide variety of nutrition conditions including general healthy eating, digestive conditions (e.g., IBS, IBD, reflux), eating disorders, hormonal conditions (e.g., PCOS), chronic disease, sports nutrition, and specialized diets (plant-based, gluten-free). We also offer meal planning and custom nutrition plans.
Book online here, contact Kelsey by email at kelsey@guthealthydietitian.com,or call a receptionist in the Employee & Family Health Clinic (519-661-2047) to book an appointment today!
* For workplace related injuries, visit Workplace Health within Human Resources.
Eligibility & Clinic Operations
Eligible patients of the Employee & Family Health Clinic include full-time Western main campus employees (with an employment contract of greater than 24 hours per week and no defined end date) and their immediate family (spouse and children under the age of 25), who do not have a family physician within a 30 km radius of London.
If you meet the above eligibility criteria and are interested in becoming a patient of the clinic, please fill out the patient application below and follow the submission instructions on the form.
Ineligibility Options
For individuals that are not eligible to become patients of the Employee and Family Health Clinic, here are some resources that may assist you in finding primary care:
- The London and District Academy of Medicine provides several recommendations for individuals and families who are seeking a family physician.
- You can register with Health Care Connect to be referred to a family physician.
- If you have an emergency and need assistance, you can visit one of the many walk-in clinics in the London and Middlesex region.
Clinic Operations
How the clinic works: As a patient, you will be assigned to one physician, but in the event that your family doctor is unavailable, you will be offered an appointment with one of the other physicians at the clinic. The clinic takes pride in offering patient care that is both timely and professional.
Please keep in mind, however, that there may be times when patient demands exceed appointment availability. The clinic members look forward to participating in your care!
Appointment Expectations
- A health card is required at each appointment.
- Please inform the receptionist of the nature of your visit. This allows us to schedule the appropriate amount of time required.
- Inappropriate behaviour to any staff member in the clinic will not be tolerated.
Appointment Cancellation
- We will require at least 24-hour notice of an appointment cancellation. No show appointments, failure to arrive on time and inadequate appointment cancellation time will result in a fee being charged, to a maximum of $150.00. No new appointments will be booked until fees are paid.
Phone & Virtual Healthcare Requests
- Prescriptions will not be renewed over the telephone. Please be sure to book an appointment BEFORE your medications run out.
- This clinic does not practice e-mail medicine. E-mails will only be used to confirm appointments.
- Blood tests may not be ordered over the telephone. Please book an appointment with the doctor to get a requisition for any blood tests required.
Leaving Western & Child Coverage
- When you no longer work for Western, you may continue to access health care services for up to six months beyond the termination date.
- Please note that if you have a child registered with you in the Employee & Family Health Clinic, once they reach the age of 25 they will need to find a family physician out in the community.