Summer Reset: Wellness and Beyond

Written by: Macey Whiteside, 2nd year FIMS
Photo by: Lauren Lee

At Western University, the fast-paced nature of semesters often makes it difficult to prioritize mental health and wellness. With a full schedule of classes, labs, studying, work, and extracurricular activities, self-care practices like yoga, meditation, exercise, and journaling can easily be neglected. However, mental health is a continuous journey that requires ongoing attention, regardless of the academic calendar.

With fewer academic responsibilities, the summer break offers a valuable opportunity to reset and focus on well-being. It presents a great opportunity to reflect on the past eight months and address academic, social, or health-related challenges to improve for the upcoming year. Taking this time to celebrate accomplishments and relax while simultaneously planning for next year can be extremely beneficial, and Western's many resources can assist with doing so.

Western provides students with several resources to manage and improve mental health on campus. However, many students are unaware that these resources are available over the summer, as Western acknowledges that the demand for such support does not diminish over the four-month break. Many of these resources are available regardless of your location and can be accessed virtually.

Here is a guide to some of the resources available over the summer, to prioritize wellness and use these four months as a time of reflection and reset. These are available whether you are taking classes on campus or are looking for support at a distance.

Student Health & Wellness Services

Western’s Student Health and Wellness Services are open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students can book appointments to meet with a doctor, case manager, psychiatrist, or mental health counsellor. For students who are not on campus this summer, virtual mental health appointments can be made with a counsellor or psychiatrist.

Further, Wellness and Well-being offers the Wellness Navigator, a portal that allows students to complete a questionnaire which leads them to personalized wellness resources depending on their individual needs. Further, this portal tracks your mental health and can offer a visual for progress over time. If you want to check it out, click this link!

Academic and Career Counselling

Summer presents an excellent opportunity to reset academically and professionally, reflecting on what was successful or unsuccessful during the academic year and leveraging that insight to learn and refine for the next year. Virtual or in-person appointments with career coaches, learning development specialists, and academic advisors are available Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Career coaches can assist in landing a great summer job or an internship for the next school year. The Career coaches and peer advisors offer critiques and feedback on resumes and cover letters as well as offer practice interviews to combat some interview anxiety. The Coaching appointments can also be used to discuss future careers and goals as a whole, where they can provide clarity on where your degree may lead and reduce anxiety about the future.

Additionally, academic advisors can be a great resource when you are feeling unsure of your academic path, providing an informed second opinion on navigating the upcoming school year. If you're taking courses this summer, you can access support from writing advisors and learning development specialists to help you reach your academic goals

Campus Recreation

If you are a student taking a summer course this year, Western Campus Rec offers drop-in fitness, classes, and personal training programming for Western students. It is open 7 days a week, here is the schedule.

However, if you are not taking summer courses this year, Western Campus Rec offers a Virtual Calming Room. This portal offers virtual resources such as calming music, yoga classes, guided meditation, and more.

In conclusion, remember that summer presents an opportunity to focus on mental health, setting the stage for a successful academic year ahead.

Beyond accessing these resources, students are encouraged to engage in activities that promote well-being, such as getting outside, daily fitness routines, hobbies, and spending quality time with friends and family.

Enjoy your summer, you’ve got this Mustangs!

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