My Experience

Embracing Endings: Reflections of a Graduating Student

June 14, 2024

Johann reflects on his journey at Western and the mix of emotions that come with graduation. (Read the full article)

My Experience as a Work Study Student

May 10, 2024

Hank reflects on his time as a work study student. (Read the full article)

Approaching Graduation: My Key Takeaways from Undergrad

April 26, 2024

Amy reflects on her undergraduate experience and shares some of her biggest takeaways. (Read the full article)

My Experience with the Western Marching Band

April 05, 2024

Clarence shares his experience as Flag Sergeant of the Western Marching Band. (Read the full article)

My Favourite Study Hacks

March 15, 2024

Sua shares her favourite study hacks and apps ahead of final exams. (Read the full article)

My Favourite Campus Eats

March 01, 2024

Whether you are craving a filling meal, a quick snack, or even a fresh drink, there are many great options... (Read the full article)

6 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

February 02, 2024

Amy shares six ideas for Valentine’s Day that everyone can enjoy! (Read the full article)

The Game Plan for Networking

January 19, 2024

Amy shares some helpful networking tips! (Read the full article)

Getting Involved on Campus During the Winter Term

January 11, 2024

Ammanat explores ways students can get involved on campus. (Read the full article)

My experience as an Intern at Voyago

November 02, 2023

Sam shares his internship experience and some advice for students. (Read the full article)

Advice for Tackling OWeek

August 31, 2023

Kitt shares his advice and experiences with OWeek as both a new student, soph and as part of the cheer team. (Read the full article)

Finding Your Place at Western

August 03, 2023

Kitt self-reflects on his university experience and the ways in which he found fulfillment. (Read the full article)

The Art and Struggle of Independence in University

July 07, 2023

Yusra delves into her journey with independence while navigating the challenges of university life. (Read the full article)

Finding PRIDE

June 23, 2023

Kitt shares a brief history of Pride and his story of putting together pieces of his identity. (Read the full article)

It’s Spring; I am Born Again

April 05, 2023

Sanaz presents the meaning of spring as it pertains to the Persian new year. (Read the full article)

My Experience as an Intern at Ford

April 04, 2023

Olivia shares her experience as an intern at Ford Motor Company. (Read the full article)

The Legacy We Leave Behind

March 14, 2023

Johann reflects on the legacy students leave behind as he approaches graduation. (Read the full article)

New Year’s Resolutions: Yay or Nay?

February 08, 2023

Heather shares her tips on how to maintain your New Year's resolutions. (Read the full article)

Top Five Things to Do While Waiting For The Bus

January 31, 2023

Bored at the bus stop? Check out five ways to pass the time. (Read the full article)

Thoughts on Etiquette

January 17, 2023

Laohnorian shares thoughts on social etiquette and how it pertains to effective communication. (Read the full article)

My Experience as an Experiential Learning Student

June 13, 2022

Learn how Insia was able to gain new skills and apply them outside of the classroom! (Read the full article)

The Three Biggest Tips I Learned As a First-Year

June 06, 2022

Read the three biggest lessons Swathi learned in first-year! (Read the full article)

7 Lessons I’ve Learned as a Western Student

May 31, 2022

Ivan shares his top seven lessons that university life taught him. (Read the full article)

Science Guidance: Amel's USRI Thoughts and Reflections

March 14, 2022

Amel reflects on their USRI experience through the form of a podcast! (Read the full article)

The Struggles of a Second-Generation Canadian

February 04, 2022

Read about how Idin grapples with his identity as a second-generation Canadian. (Read the full article)

My New Year’s Resolutions—and How I Plan to Keep Them

January 05, 2022

New year, new you - right? Emily shares her goals for 2022 and how she plans to keep them. (Read the full article)

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Christmas Edition

December 20, 2021

Navid reflects on Christmasses passed and shares his most cherished holiday memories. (Read the full article)

Reflecting on Western's International Week

December 03, 2021

Netanya interviews Grace, an International student, about her experience of International Week. (Read the full article)

Coming To Western, Finding True Friends Was A Challenge

November 15, 2021

Read about Olivia's growth during her time at Western and how she found friends with shared interests! (Read the full article)

Coming Together to Stand Against Islamophobia

November 11, 2021

Shaowda, a Bengali-Muslim student at Western, shares the importance of standing up against Islamophobia. (Read the full article)

Surviving University - 6 Tips to Get By

November 08, 2021

Clementine shares a helpful list of ways to thrive while adjusting from high school to post-secondary... (Read the full article)

Learning to Fly Solo

November 05, 2021

Being alone isn't the same as being lonely, and this blog will help you to thrive during alone time. (Read the full article)

My USRI Reflection: Creating The George Floyd Project

October 27, 2021

Matthew reflects on his USRI research project and how he created The George Floyd Project. (Read the full article)

The Pandemic Isn't Over Just Yet

October 25, 2021

Jenny shares her experience during the pandemic and reminds us all that it's not over just yet. (Read the full article)

Victoria's Tips for Coping with Homesickness

October 22, 2021

We all feel homesick sometimes. Victoria shares how she dealt with her feelings of homesickness. (Read the full article)

USRI: My Journey as a Young Scientist

October 13, 2021

Jessica reflects on what made her USRI experience so worthwhile. (Read the full article)

Dorm Room Design

October 13, 2021

Insia shares ways to help make residence feel more like home. (Read the full article)

Accessible Education: Thanks For Being There

October 04, 2021

Learn about the impact that accommodations have had on a student's Western experience. (Read the full article)

My Experience as a Student Leader on Campus

September 27, 2021

Katelyn shares all that she's learned while being a student leader on campus. (Read the full article)

This Year For My Birthday, I Got COVID-19

September 17, 2021

Hear from a student who got COVID why it's important to follow public health guidelines. (Read the full article)

Doing My Part

September 15, 2021

After a year of online learning, Johann is doing his part to preserve this semi-normal school year. (Read the full article)

Hopeful Reminders to my Past Self

September 10, 2021

It's important to remember how far we've all come, and the progress we've made. (Read the full article)

My Favourite First-Year Memory

September 09, 2021

University is a time to make memories that will last a lifetime. (Read the full article)

A Letter to First-Year Raihan

September 02, 2021

Raihan assures their first-year self that everything will be alright. (Read the full article)

Back-to-School Packing Tips: Learn From My Mistakes

August 31, 2021

Not sure what to pack for school? Shubh is here to help! (Read the full article)

Reluctant and Afraid of Change? You Are Not Alone!

August 30, 2021

For Omer, returning to in-person learning will be a change he's both nervous and excited about. (Read the full article)

A Letter to First-Year Emily

August 25, 2021

In her letter, Emily reflects on all the ways she's grown since first-year. (Read the full article)

Number Theory

August 20, 2021

If you're looking for a funny story to make you chuckle, give this blog a read! (Read the full article)

A Letter to First-Year Johann

August 18, 2021

Johann's letter is full of motivation and wisdom. (Read the full article)

Nervous About Returning to School? Same!

August 17, 2021

Don't worry, you're not the only one anxious about the return to in-person learning. (Read the full article)

A Letter to First-Year Shaowda

August 11, 2021

Shaowda reflects on her journey at Western and all that she's learned. (Read the full article)

A Letter to First-Year M.

August 04, 2021

What do you wish your first-year self knew? (Read the full article)

Strengths I Gained During My First-Year at Western

July 21, 2021

University is a time for growth, self-discovery, and gaining new strengths. (Read the full article)

L'Abstrait et Le Concrète: Studying from Home

July 09, 2021

Studying from home for Jhanvi was...well, full of mixed emotions. (Read the full article)

5 Things I Wish I Knew In First-Year

July 05, 2021

First-year can be daunting, but check out this blog for some lessons Savannah learned after her first year! (Read the full article)

Coming Out: My Journey to Find Who I Am

June 28, 2021

Coming out is different for every queer person, but here's one student's experience. (Read the full article)

The Smartphone: My deVICE

June 21, 2021

Our phones have become an extension of ourselves - something we can't live without. (Read the full article)

Things I Learned While Travelling Europe

June 16, 2021

Check out Esha's blog to be transported to Europe through the magic of storytelling! (Read the full article)

My Favourite Undergraduate Course - Anatomy 2200

June 09, 2021

Every class can be challenging at times, but it's worth the effort. (Read the full article)

Bird Is Not The Word: My Favourite First-Year Courses

June 07, 2021

You can learn something valuable from every class. Explore ALL your course options! (Read the full article)

10 Things I Wish I Knew About Accessibility Before Going to Western

May 31, 2021

Want to know more about accessibility at Western? Give this a read! (Read the full article)

How I Knew Western Was Right For Me

May 27, 2021

Choosing a university is tough, but once you find the right one, you'll never look back. (Read the full article)

Why Western

May 25, 2021

Find out what made Shaowda choose Western! (Read the full article)

My Favourite Things About Western

May 21, 2021

Read Grace's blog to find out her favourite things about Western! (Read the full article)

Why I Chose Western

May 19, 2021

Great programs, a beautiful campus, and lifelong friends - just a few reasons to choose Western! (Read the full article)

A Conversation with Josh: Talking About Ketamine Infusion Treatment

May 13, 2021

Josh talks about his experience with ketamine infusion treatments for his mental health. (Read the full article)

Eid Looks A lot Different This Year - But in A Good Way

May 12, 2021

Even though it's celebrated differently this year, Shaowda wants to wish everyone Eid Mubarak! (Read the full article)

Looking Back at a Very Turbulent Year: Part I

May 07, 2021

Rawan reflects on a year full of challenges and hurdles as she navigated life and school during a pandemic. (Read the full article)

Looking Back at a Very Turbulent Year: Part II

May 07, 2021

In Part II of Rawan's reflection, she realizes the value of hope and resilience. (Read the full article)

400 Days in Quarantine and Counting...

May 05, 2021

After more than 400 days of quarantine and staying at home, Vanessa has come to realize a few things. (Read the full article)

Why World Autism Awareness Day Is Important To Me

April 02, 2021

Shaowda shares what World Autism Awareness Day means to her. (Read the full article)

The Revolutionized Mind

March 25, 2021

Find out how Angelica created her own podcast! (Read the full article)

Learning to Teach (Pandemic Edition)

March 18, 2021

Tune in to hear how one of Western's professors adapted to the pandemic! (Read the full article)

Hot Takes on Our Lockdown Experiences

March 17, 2021

It's hard to believe it's been a year since the first COVID-19 lockdown. (Read the full article)

Fiona’s Declassified University Survival Guide

March 12, 2021

Fiona shares some tips on how to make the most out of your university experience. (Read the full article)

Don’t Be Afraid to Change Your Major

March 10, 2021

Choosing your major can feel like a life-determining decision, but it doesn't have to be. (Read the full article)

Lessons From a Third-Year Medical Sciences Student

March 08, 2021

Check out some of the valuable lessons Victoria has learned throughout her life in university. (Read the full article)

Finding Joy in Everyday Things

March 03, 2021

Being in lockdown has allowed us to find joy in the small and simple things. (Read the full article)

When you’re trying to tell a funny story, but you laugh so hard that you can barely speak

March 03, 2021

One of the best moments is when you're laughing so hard that you can't finish your story. (Read the full article)

My Favourite Photos

February 26, 2021

There's a story behind every photo, and that's what makes them so special. (Read the full article)

Five New Things That Make Me Happy During COVID

February 25, 2021

Finding little ways to brighten each day is essential amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic. (Read the full article)

A Sprinkle of Kindness

February 17, 2021

A random act of kindness leaves a lasting impression and can trigger a chain reaction. (Read the full article)

This is How I'm Getting My Driver's License in 2021

February 12, 2021

Tips on how to go about getting your driver's license during a global pandemic. (Read the full article)

Lonely in Lockdown

February 10, 2021

Lockdown has changed all of our lives and tends to be isolating, see how it has impacted Johann's life. (Read the full article)

Thriving in University as an Indigenous Student

February 03, 2021

Naomi shares real-life tips on thriving at university as an Indigenous student. (Read the full article)

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

January 14, 2021

2020 was rough. But, Reya plans to try and make the most of 2021, even if it's just as rough. (Read the full article)

A Few Minutes…They Might Mean More Than You Think

December 15, 2020

A few minutes have the power to change your whole day... (Read the full article)

In A World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind

December 04, 2020

One simple act of kindness can change your day. (Read the full article)

Kindness in Words

December 02, 2020

Sometimes, it's the random and surprising acts of kindness that stick with us. (Read the full article)

We All Fail, But We're Better Because Of It

November 27, 2020

The path to reaching your goal will never be as smooth as you imagined, but that's okay. (Read the full article)

I Failed, and That's Okay

November 27, 2020

Everyone screws up or fails sometimes, and that's totally okay. (Read the full article)

Meet Joshua Mootilal: Part One

November 25, 2020

Meet Josh, a Western student who wants his mental health story to be heard. (Read the full article)

Meet Joshua Mootilal: Part Two

November 25, 2020

Continue reading Josh's story. (Read the full article)

Resiliency Pays Off in The End

November 23, 2020

Sometimes, a little perseverance goes a long way. (Read the full article)

The Importance of Varsity Sport

November 13, 2020

Daniel shares how important varsity athletics are to his experience at Western. (Read the full article)

How COVID-19 Affected Me as a Student Athlete

November 13, 2020

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. (Read the full article)

A Podcast That Blew My Mind

November 09, 2020

I didn't start out as an avid podcast listener, but here's what turned me into one. (Read the full article)

Failure is an Option

November 04, 2020

A small taste of failure that wasn't as bitter as I expected it to be... (Read the full article)

Meet People and Get Connected Through Western International's Peer Guide Program

October 21, 2020

Elsa and Emily share how Western International's Peer Guide Program has helped them! (Read the full article)

7 Ways I Improved My Time Management Skills in First Year

October 15, 2020

Autumn shares how she was able to improve her time management skills. (Read the full article)

Why You Should Always Try To Catch The Bus

October 07, 2020

Read Johann's story to hear how the words of one bus driver changed his life. (Read the full article)

Reflections on The COVID-19 Pandemic

September 25, 2020

Western students reflect on the importance of following health protocols during COVID-19. (Read the full article)

My USRI Experience

September 16, 2020

Justine shares her experience researching COVID-19 policy, conducting media analyses on long-term care... (Read the full article)

The New Normal

September 10, 2020

Things are different this year, so we have to find our "new normal" routine. (Read the full article)

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Involved in the USRI Programme

September 03, 2020

Nikhil shares some of the benefits of participating in Western's USRI Programme. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Aurorita

August 31, 2020

Aurorita promises to her first-year self that Western will soon become home. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Udain

August 28, 2020

Udain writes a letter to her first-year self to share some insight into what the future holds. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Shukri

August 26, 2020

Shukri reflects on her undergrad at Western and how her love for learning has grown. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Ruqayyah

August 24, 2020

Ruqayyah gives her first-year self a pep talk to prepare her for her university journey. (Read the full article)

Success After Graduation

August 24, 2020

Jessica shares how the USRI Programme helped prepare her for her future. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Self

August 21, 2020

Everything's better in hindsight - here's some advice from a former first-year student. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Athena

August 19, 2020

Athena shares a letter to her first-year self, assuring her that she'll Thrive at Western. (Read the full article)

Challenge and Change During My Research Internship

August 17, 2020

Armin reflects on what he learned through the power of mentorship during his research internship. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Bita

August 12, 2020

Bita reflects on what her past three years at Western, and offers advice to her first-year self. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Devesh

August 11, 2020

Devesh writes a letter to his first-year self and shares advice on what his future may hold. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Lina

August 06, 2020

As a current fourth year student, Lina writes a letter to her first-year self. (Read the full article)

Stories About Being an Athlete

August 04, 2020

Angelica shares why sports are important to her and the impact they've had on her life. (Read the full article)

How Varsity Sports Have Impacted Me

July 10, 2020

Gabrielle reflects on the impact that Varsity sports have had on her life and her Western experience. (Read the full article)

Off-Campus, On Track: 4 Things I Wish I Knew as a First-Year Off-Campus Student

July 08, 2020

Patrick shares 4 things that he wish he knew as an in-coming off-campus Western student. (Read the full article)

My Mom and I: BScs 36 Years Apart

July 03, 2020

Emily and her Mom graduate from Western in different eras and reflect on their experiences. (Read the full article)

Changing Times, Changing Perspectives, Still Graduating

June 19, 2020

Shukri shares how her perspective on her Western experience has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read the full article)

Class of 2020 Valedictorian Speech

June 17, 2020

In-coming student, Lauren, gives a speech to the high school graduating class of 2020. (Read the full article)

My Virtual Graduation

June 15, 2020

Though convocation is different this year, it's still important to celebrate the class of 2020! (Read the full article)

My Journey as an Off-Campus Student

June 03, 2020

Nadia reflects on how her Sophs impacted her, and why she became a Soph herself. (Read the full article)

My Residence Journey

May 29, 2020

Carla reflects on her residence experience and how meaningful it's been to her. (Read the full article)

COVID with Kids

May 27, 2020

Erin shares her perspective as a student and a parent during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Read the full article)

Top 5 Things I've Learned During My Five Years at Western

May 26, 2020

Andréa reflects on the most valuable lessons she's learned so far during her time at Western. (Read the full article)

Where to Next?

May 12, 2020

Cindy wonders what the future holds for her as she graduates and says a bittersweet farewell to Western. (Read the full article)

Why I Chose Western

April 07, 2020

Evan talks about the reasons he chose Western, and why he's glad he did. (Read the full article)

Graduating Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 11, 2020

Lauren writes about her realization that her university experience might be over before she was really ready. (Read the full article)

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