
Look Up: The Power of Being Present
January 31, 2025Farida explores how being present can transform your university life—from mental health to deeper... (Read the full article)

Incorporating Self-Care into Your Daily Routine as a Student
December 12, 2024Anargi shares some daily self-care tips for busy students! (Read the full article)

A Self-Care Guide for Busy Students
November 01, 2024Macey offers practical self-care tips for balancing university life and mental well-being. (Read the full article)

35 Solo Summer Date Ideas
July 11, 2024Macey shares 35 solo date ideas to help you connect with yourself this summer. (Read the full article)

Summer Reset: Wellness and Beyond
May 24, 2024Summer is a great time to prioritize your wellness, Macey shares some Western resources available to students. (Read the full article)

How to Make Stir-Fry
April 15, 2024Steven shares his favourite stir-fry recipe. (Read the full article)

The Role of Sleep on Brain Function
February 21, 2024Sleep plays an important role in cognitive processes, emotional well-being, and even our mental health. (Read the full article)

6 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day
February 02, 2024Amy shares six ideas for Valentine’s Day that everyone can enjoy! (Read the full article)

Men's Mental Health
November 24, 2023Facing mental health issues can be particularly tough for men due to societal expectations, but Sam has... (Read the full article)

Gearing up for December
November 24, 2023As December fast approaches, Arnov shares ten study tips to help you gear up for finals. & (Read the full article)

The Balancing Act: Navigating Academic Pressure with Mental Wellness
November 10, 2023Balancing academic pressure with mental wellness can be challenging, but Sydney has some strategies to help... (Read the full article)

Exam Season’s Wisdom and Motivation
March 22, 2023Maryam provides some tips on how to succeed and stay motivated during exam season. (Read the full article)

Managing Wellness During Exam Season!
March 22, 2023Prepping for exam season? Check out five ways how you can manage your wellness during exam season! (Read the full article)

Remaining Positive in the Face of Adversity
February 15, 2023Going through a rough patch? Check out five ways you can remain positive in the face of adversity (Read the full article)

Beat the Gloom! 5 Simple Tips to Overcome the Winter Blues
February 15, 2023Feeling blue this winter? Find out five ways to overcome the winter blues (Read the full article)

New Year’s Resolutions: Yay or Nay?
February 08, 2023Heather shares her tips on how to maintain your New Year's resolutions. (Read the full article)

Wellness Wonderland: Tips for Self-Care during the Winter
December 07, 2022Check out some tips for staying well amid the winter blues. (Read the full article)

The Three Biggest Tips I Learned As a First-Year
June 06, 2022Read the three biggest lessons Swathi learned in first-year! (Read the full article)

7 Lessons I’ve Learned as a Western Student
May 31, 2022Ivan shares his top seven lessons that university life taught him. (Read the full article)

Beating Anxiety
February 24, 2022Anxiety is something that almost everyone experiences at some point in their lives--so you aren't alone! (Read the full article)

Examining COVID-19's Impacts on Mental Health
January 26, 2022It's no secret that the COVID-19 Pandemic has affected our mental health in a variety of ways. (Read the full article)

5 Ways To Be an Effective Mental Health Ally
January 24, 2022Being a mental health ally is an important step in breaking the stigma. (Read the full article)

Creating My Perfect Night Time Routine
January 19, 2022Maryam shares her before-bed ritual and how it impacts her well-being. (Read the full article)

Finding Joy on The Gloomiest Day of The Year
January 17, 2022Shaowda shares ways you can find joy and stay mindful this Blue Monday. (Read the full article)

What is Blue Monday?
January 14, 2022Learn more about Blue Monday - apparently known to be the saddest day of the year. (Read the full article)

The COVID Funk: Tips on Staying Healthy
January 12, 2022Online learning got you in a funk? Check out these tips to stay well and healthy. (Read the full article)

Meditation - A Life Essential
January 10, 2022Shubh shares how meditation can help to reduce the stresses of student life. (Read the full article)

My New Year’s Resolutions—and How I Plan to Keep Them
January 05, 2022New year, new you - right? Emily shares her goals for 2022 and how she plans to keep them. (Read the full article)

Sleep Now, Work Later
December 13, 2021No matter how important you feel school is, sleep is also crucial to your well-being. (Read the full article)

How to Restore Your Academic Motivation
December 07, 2021Adi shares his thoughts on how to best restore your academic motivation in times of burnout. (Read the full article)

Loving Yourself as a Person But Not a Student? Here’s How to Love Both.
November 23, 2021We all face burnout, and it's important to recognize those feelings and take care of ourselves. (Read the full article)

Learning to Fly Solo
November 05, 2021Being alone isn't the same as being lonely, and this blog will help you to thrive during alone time. (Read the full article)

My Morning Routine: My Daily Dose of Joy
November 04, 2021Shubh walks us through his morning routine, reminding us all to take care of ourselves. (Read the full article)

Victoria's Tips for Coping with Homesickness
October 22, 2021We all feel homesick sometimes. Victoria shares how she dealt with her feelings of homesickness. (Read the full article)

Western Starts the Conversation on Pleasure
May 26, 2021Talking about pleasure can be awkward. Let's open the discussion. (Read the full article)

Taking Things One Step at a Time
April 28, 2021Life seems to move so fast sometimes, but it's okay to take it slow and go one step at a time. (Read the full article)

Things You Can Do This Summer
April 23, 2021As exams begin to wrap up, you may be thinking about what you can do this summer. (Read the full article)

Working Towards Financial Wellness
April 21, 2021Living as a student can be expensive, so it's important that you learn more about financial wellness. (Read the full article)

Redecorating Your Space for Spring
April 19, 2021Find the perfect spring aesthetic for you! (Read the full article)

Inexpensive Self-Care Practices
April 16, 2021Check out some of the most efficient ways to invest in yourself and make yourself happy! (Read the full article)

4 Simple Ways To Clean Up Your Diet
April 14, 2021What you eat is very important because a healthy diet has many mental and physical benefits. (Read the full article)

Dealing with Exam Stress
April 12, 2021With exams around the corner, here are some tips to help you cope with the stress. (Read the full article)

A Guide to Perfecting Your Morning and Night Routines
April 09, 2021Adding structure to your days is important for both your mental and physical wellbeing. (Read the full article)

More Greenery in Your Living Space Can Help Your Mental-Wellbeing
April 07, 2021Need a boost of energy? Brighten up your space with some plants! (Read the full article)

4 Reasons You Should Walk More
April 07, 2021Walking has so many benefits, both mentally and physically. So, add walking to your regular routine! (Read the full article)

Shaowda's Guide to Spring Cleaning
April 05, 2021Spring is all about in with the new and out with the old, so you can start by re-organizing your space. (Read the full article)

Human Brain: A Supercomputer with an Infinitesimal Battery
March 29, 2021Remember, our brains work hard every day, so it's important to take care of our minds. (Read the full article)

The Revolutionized Mind
March 25, 2021Find out how Angelica created her own podcast! (Read the full article)

3 Ways To Deal With Burnout
March 19, 2021Burnout can happen to anyone, so find out some ways to deal with burnout when it strikes. (Read the full article)

Self-Care in University
March 15, 2021It's important to take care of yourself to boost mood and increase productivity. (Read the full article)

Love, Western
March 01, 2021550 care packs were delivered to students in housing to show them they are loved and cared for. (Read the full article)

How to Cope with Excessive Screen Times in a Virtual Learning Setting
February 05, 2021When we spend nearly all our days staring at screens, it's important to give our eyes a break. (Read the full article)

Self-Care Habits to Bring into 2021
February 01, 2021In 2021, remember to be kind to yourself. (Read the full article)

"Keep Trying, Keep Pushing": Bell Let's Talk Words of Encouragement
January 28, 2021Check out this blog to read some advice and words of encouragement from fellow peers. (Read the full article)

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021
January 14, 20212020 was rough. But, Reya plans to try and make the most of 2021, even if it's just as rough. (Read the full article)

How to Connect Virtually with Family During the Holidays
December 18, 2020With the ongoing pandemic, we won't have the large family gatherings or parties that we’re used to. (Read the full article)

Relax and Fuel Your Creativity
December 16, 2020Check out Ryan's playlist of songs that make him calm and happy. (Read the full article)

Celebrating the Holidays (Pandemic Edition)
December 14, 2020Holiday celebrations look different this year, but here's some ways to keep them safe and fun. (Read the full article)

The Ultimate Self-Care Guide: Exam Edition
December 11, 2020As exams begin, remember to take care of yourself. (Read the full article)

Give to Yourself: Practicing Self-Care During the Holidays
December 11, 2020On Day 11 of Spread The Cheer, we talk about how taking care of yourself during the holidays is important. (Read the full article)

Exams Are Important, But Eating Is Too
November 30, 2020Are you tired of eating 99 cent noodles, Redbull and coffee? (Read the full article)

The Importance of Varsity Sport
November 13, 2020Daniel shares how important varsity athletics are to his experience at Western. (Read the full article)

How COVID-19 Affected Me as a Student Athlete
November 13, 2020Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. (Read the full article)

How Students Can Stay Active in 2020
November 05, 2020Staying active during the pandemic is difficult but still important! Here are a few tips to get you started... (Read the full article)

How I Manage My Wellness
October 09, 2020Esha shares how she's managing her wellness during this stressful time. (Read the full article)

My Go-To Healthy(er) Snacks
September 30, 2020Grace shares some of her favourite "healthy alternative" recipes and snacks. YUM! (Read the full article)

Time Management Tips And Learning To “Turn-Off”
September 14, 2020Managing your time as a student can be hard, and sometimes we all need to take a break. (Read the full article)

Friendly Friday: Staying Active
August 14, 2020Check out some of the ways Shukri and her friends are staying active during the pandemic. (Read the full article)

How to Increase Your Happiness with the Happiness Equation
July 22, 2020Devesh discusses his take on happiness as he shares something called "The Happiness Equation." (Read the full article)
Top 5 COVID-19 Coping Strategies and Quarantine Bucket List Activities
June 26, 2020Courtney shares how she maintains her physical and mental wellness during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Read the full article)
Nutrition Tips for COVID-19 Life
May 12, 2020Olivia shares some tips on how to maintain healthy eating habits while living through the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Read the full article)

Western University Bucket List: Intramural Sports
April 07, 2020Joel talks about why you should join intramurals when you return to campus. (Read the full article)
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