Spiritual Gathering

A picture of Middlesex tower surrounded by trees on a sunny day.

Multifaith Rooms

Student Experience manages two multifaith rooms available for booking on campus. UCC 38B and Middlesex College 15A are intended for Spiritual Gatherings and Reflection. Spirituality is understood as the beliefs and values that give direction to one’s life, which allow a sense of meaning and purpose. Spirituality is not understood as limited to organized religions or faith communities.

Multifaith Booking and Space Guidelines

Booking Guidelines

Please fill out the form below if you are looking to reserve one of the Multi-Faith rooms managed by Wellness & Well-being under Student Experience. Spirituality is understood as the beliefs and values that give direction to one’s life & allow a sense of meaning and purpose. Spirituality is not limited to organized religions or faith communities.

We will strive to ensure equity in access to this space for anyone looking to book it for its intended purpose. As such,

  • Multi-Faith rooms cannot be pre-booked beyond one month out from the booking date.
  • Reservations MUST be made at least 72 hours (3 days) excluding weekends ahead of a planned event.
  • Each date requested must be reserved separately. For example, if you need a room for June 15, June 23, and June 30, you must submit a request for each of these dates.
  • We may need to limit use of one group to ensure another group has the ability to use it. This will be navigated on a case-by-case basis.

Guidelines for Space Use

Please read the guidelines for space use carefully.

The person or group who books the space is responsible for the physical state of the space and for making sure it is ready for the next reservation. This includes ensuring:

  • Respecting the space capacity limit (UCC38B = max. 40 people; MC15A = max. 24 people).
  • Leaving the space at the allotted time of the ending of the booking. Ensuring the door is firmly shut after room use.
  • Appropriate use and care of property in the room and the AV equipment, including logging-out of all applications.
  • Furniture like tables and chairs are placed back as they were found.
  • No materials or spiritual items are left out on surfaces or hung on walls.
  • UCC38B: Kitchen items are cleaned; food items are disposed of in bins OUTSIDE the room.
  • MC15A: This space is available for both booking and drop-in use. Bookings take precedence over drop-ins. When dropping-in, please expect to share the room with others.
  • Western Student Experience is NOT responsible for any outside materials left in the rooms, including content in the storage shelves. LEAVE ITEMS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Rooms Available:


UCC 38B is accessible by booking only. Fill out the form below to make a reservation. Questions? Please contact Silvia Wood, Wellness & Well-being.

Middlesex College 15A

Middlesex College 15A is BOTH a drop-in and bookable space. For door access, enter code 1234*. Reservations may be made and checked through the 25Live website. 

Bookings take precedence over drop-ins. When dropping in, please expect to share the room with others. Fill out the form below to make a reservation. Please contact Silvia Wood if you need further assistance. 

Check Room Availability:

To Check Room Availability

  • Visit the 25Live website.
  • Login with your Western credentials.
  • Once in, click Search. Under "Select Object", choose Locations from the drop down menu.
  • Type in either "UCC-38B" or "MC-15A" then hit Search.
  • Click "Availability" and choose the date. This will show any existing reservations and open time slots.
  • Using this information, place your booking request through the form.

Book a Room: