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Respiratory Illness Season
Ways to stay healthy this winter
Yes, 'tis the season for respiratory “bugs”!
Influenza, RSV, “walking pneumonia” (Mycoplasma species), adenovirus and, of course, COVID-19 are all on the rise at this time of the year, and give us good reason for caution says Western’s Workplace Health Physician, Dr. Sonya Malone. The Middlesex London Health Unit reported more than 250 hospitalizations related to respiratory illness during the first 12 weeks of the season and this number is expected to grow.
Risk factors include droplet contact, close contact with someone who is sick, unvaccinated status, inadequate hand cleaning and individual risk factors such as some medical conditions and an immunocompromised state.
Wear a mask in shared public spaces or where close contact cannot be avoided. The number one way to spread a respiratory illness - oral and/or respiratory droplet contact. Western is a mask-friendly environment and supports employees and students who choose to wear a mask to reduce the likelihood of getting sick and to protect others. See bottom of page for information on where to get free masks on campus.
Here are steps you can take to prevent illness:
- Get immunized
- 3832 vaccines were administered during Western’s 2024 mass vax clinic in November - Employee flu vax: 804, Student flu vax: 1823, Employee + Student COVID-19 vax: 1205
- If you missed the Western clinic, COVID-19 and flu vaccines are available at many pharmacies and through family doctors.
- The RSV vaccine may be available through your medical care provider for eligible people.
- Stay home if you’re sick, and wear a mask for the 10 days after your symptoms develop.
- You don’t need to test positive for COVID-19 to stay home and mask for 10 days. This is an important precaution for any respiratory illness.
- The university is not distributing COVID-19 tests anymore. Test kits can be purchased at some pharmacies and online.
- Cover your mouth when you cough. Cough into your elbow crease and wash your hands afterward.
- Wash your hands regularly. Soap, water or alcohol-based sanitizers work well.
- Wear a mask in shared public spaces or where close contact cannot be avoided. Western is a mask-friendly environment and supports employees and students who choose to wear a mask to reduce the likelihood of getting sick and to protect others. Here is where you may find masks:
- Students may obtain individual medical masks outside of select large classrooms.
- Students may also pick up boxes of masks from the circulation desk at Weldon Library.
- Employees may pick up boxes of medical masks from the Health, Safety, & Wellbeing Office (SSB 4159)
Spread joy, not germs this winter!
Published on 01/30/2025 15:53:08 and maintained in Cascade CMS.