Awards and Scholarships

The Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences - Scholarships

*Please note: these scholarships are in addition to UWO entrance scholarships and other awards

Program Awards (application required)

Big Blue Bubble Award in Gaming

  • Amount: 1 at $5,000
  • Deadline: September 30 of each academic year
  • Effective: 2023-2024 to 2027-2028 academic years inclusive
  • Eligibility: Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in Year 3 of a program in Computer Science or Data Science in the Faculty of Science, or in Year 4 of a concurrent BSc/HBA degree in one of these disciplines, based on academic achievement (minimum 70% average) and demonstrated knowledge or skills in gaming and/or programming. For more information, see Western awards website, then search Big Blue Bubble.
  • Application: Candidates must complete an application through the Department of Computer Science.

Dr. John Patrick Duffy Memorial Award in Mathematics

  • Amount: 1 at $1,300
  • Deadline: October 31, 2024
  • Eligibility: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student in any year of an Honours Specialization offered by the School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences (SMSS) including Actuarial Science, Financial Modelling, Statistics and Data Science, or a double Major in an Honours degree that includes a SMSS major, with a minimum 70% average and who is involved in volunteer mentoring programs (which could include, but are not limited to, academic or mental-health related mentoring or coaching) in school or in the community.
  • Application: A completed  application form and  a one-page statement outlining this involvement must be submitted to Audrey Kager by the deadline.
  • More Info: This award was established by a generous gift from friends and colleagues in honour of Dr. John Patrick Duffy (BESc ’61).

Manulife Financial Scholarship in Actuarial Science (internship included)

  • Amount: 1 at $7,500
  • Deadline: September 30 of each academic year
  • Eligibility: Year 3 student of an Honors Specialization in Actuarial Science or a Double Major with one module in Actuarial Science, with a minimum 80% average.
  • Application: Please follow the link for full details.

Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Fostering Achievement Award

  • Amount: 1 at $1,000 awarded annually
  • Deadline: October 31, 2024
  • Effective date: 2024-2025 academic year
  • Eligibility: Full-time undergraduate students in Year 2 or Year 3 of the Departments of Mathematics or Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Faculty of Science based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate community involvement. 
  • Application: Please follow the link for full details.

RBC Scholarship in Data Science (internship included)

  • Amount: 5 scholarships awarded at $12,500 each - continues for two years for a total of $25,000 per recipient.  Effective: 2023-2024 to 2024-2025 academic years  in clusive (f in al cohort of new recipients will be chosen  in  2023-2024)
  • Deadline: September 30, 2024
  • Scholarship website:
  • Eligibility: Year 3 students of the Computer Science, Data Sciences, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, or Physics program within Western Science or in Year 4 of a combined BSc/HBA degree in one of these disciplines based on academic achievement and an interest in pursuing a career in big data, data science, artificial intelligence, or advanced analytics. Students will be required to complete an application form in accordance with the deadline announced annually by Science (approx. September 30). A limited number of applicants will be chosen to participate in an interview.  Candidates must be Canadian citizens or eligible to work in Canada.
  • More Info: A selection committee made up of representatives from the Faculty of Science will short list applicants This scholarship will continue for an additional year provided the recipient maintains an 80% average with a full course load. If a recipient selected in year three does not qualify to maintain the scholarship, a replacement recipient in year four will be selected.

    A selection committee made up of representatives from the Faculty of Science will short list applicants for the scholarship. Short listed candidates will be interviewed by representatives of RBC and the Faculty of Science RBC Scholarship Selection Committee. Final selection of recipients will be made by the Faculty of Science

    Recipients will have an opportunity to interview for a work term or internship with the Sponsor in a technology position. Students are not guaranteed a work term or internship with the Sponsor. An offer of full-time employment with the Sponsor may also be extended pending successful completion of the program and work term, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. A recipient is not obligated to participate in the work term or accept employment with the Sponsor following graduation to receive or retain the scholarship. This scholarship was established by RBC to promote and encourage students in STEM to pursue technology careers in banking.

Telus Health Continuing Career Scholarship (internship included)

  • Amount: 1 at $3,000, continuing for two years plus two 4-month work experiences.
  • Deadline: September 30, 2024
  • Eligibility: Year 2 student of an Honors Specialization in Actuarial Science
  • Application: Please follow the link for full details

WSIB Statistical and Actuarial Sciences Continuing Awards (internship included)

  • Amount: 4 at $7,500, awarded annually, continuing for 3 years ($22,500 per student)
  • Deadline: September 30, 2024
  • Eligibility: Awarded to full-time undergraduate students entering Year 2 in the Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Faculty of Science based on academic achievement and an interest in pursuing a career in actuarial sciences or advanced analytics. Preference will be given to candidates in an Actuarial Sciences program, although students in Financial Modelling, Data Science, or Statistics program in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences are also eligible. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or eligible to work in Canada. The award will continue in Years 3 and 4 provided that recipients maintain a 70% average and full-time status in one of the eligible programs. If a recipient does not qualify to maintain the award, a replacement recipient in the same year will be selected. Recipients will have an opportunity to interview for a work term or internship with WSIB. Students are not guaranteed a work term or internship with WSIB. An offer of full-time employment with WSIB may also be extended pending successful completion of the program and work term, at WSIB’s sole discretion. A recipient is not obligated to participate in the work term or accept employment with WSIB following graduation to receive or retain the award.
  • Selection: A selection committee made up of representatives from the Faculty of Science will short list applicants for the award. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by a representative from WSIB, a member of Science Undergraduate Services and the Chair of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences or their designates. Final selection of recipients will be made by the Faculty of Science.
  • Recognition: This award is made possible by a contribution from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB).
  • Application: Students must complete an application form in accordance with the deadline announced annually by the Faculty of Science. A limited number of applicants will be chosen to participate in an interview.

Need-based Awards (application required)

Mercer Human Resource Consulting 125 th Anniversary Alumni Scholarship

  • Amount: 1 at $2,000
  • Deadline: September 30 of each academic year
  • Eligibility: Year 3 or 4 student of an Honors Specialization or Double Major in Actuarial Science, Applied Statistics, Financial Modelling, or Statistics, based on academic achievement and financial need. Online financial assistance applications are available through the Student Center and must be submitted by September 30th.
  • More Info: The Faculty of Science, in consultation with the Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, will select the recipient once the Office of the Registrar has assessed the financial need. This award is offered through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) program, and recipients must meet Ontario residency requirements. This award was established by a generous donation from Mercer Human Resource Consulting.

TD Women in Data Analytics Undergraduate Bursary

  • Amount:Up to 7 at $5,000, as funds permit
  • Deadline: September 30 of each academic year ( Effective:2021-2022 to 2024-2025 academic years inclusive)
  • Eligibility: A full-time undergraduate female student in any year of an Honors Specialization or Major in Data Science, Computer Science, Financial Modelling or Actuarial Science or Double Major that includes one of these disciplines, based on financial need and academic achievement (a minimum 80% average under full course load 5.0).
  • Application: Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center.
  • More Info: The Office of the Registrar will evaluate financial need and the Faculty of Science will select the recipients. This award was established by TD Bank Group.  

V. M. Joshi Memorial Scholarship

  • Amount:1 at $750
  • Deadline: September 30 of each academic year
  • Eligibility: Student in an Honors Specialization in Statistics (preferred) or a Double Major in an Honours degree which includes Statistics, who has maintained at least an 80% average and who has demonstrated financial need.  Recipient must be an Ontario resident.
  • Application: Online forms can be obtained from the Student Center.
  • More Info: Established through generous contributions from friends and family in memory of V.M. Joshi.

Course-based Awards

Class of '49 Scholarship

  • Amount:$175
  • Eligibility: Year 1 student who has obtained the highest mark in SS1023a/b and who, in the opinion of the Dept. of Stats & Act Sci has achieved a high overall academic standing.
  • Application: No application required.

Jeffery, Rudd, McKittrick Ethics Award in Actuarial Sciences

  • Amount: $1,500
  • Eligibility: Year 4 student of an Honors Specialization in Actuarial Sciences, who has demonstrated a strong understanding of ethics in Actuarial Sciences. Awarded to the student who achieves the highest grade on the ethics essay written in the Actuarial Practice AS4426F course..
  • Application: No application required.

The John Mereu Book Prize

Awarded to the student with the highest average in the life contingency courses: AS2427A/B, AS3429A/B, and AS3431A/B.

Gold Medals

The Northern Life Assurance Gold Medal

Awarded to a full time student in a Statistics program with the highest average in their graduating year.

The U.W.O. Gold Medals in Honors Actuarial Science and Statistical Programs

Awarded to a full time student in the respective Honors program with the highest graduating average, minimum 80%

Click here for Westerns complete list of Scholarships and Bursaries.

For information on USRA and USRI Click Here

Contact Information

Scholarship Coordinator
Dr. Shu Li