The strength of the Western Academy is in the excellence of its diverse researchers, made up from the following groups. Learn more about how The Academy will support the various members of the academy below.

Western Fellows

Western Fellows will be selected and seconded from their departments, schools or faculties, on the basis of excellence and fit to the theme. One of the Western Fellows will be designated as Theme Leader, and be responsible for organizing the work of the team, including workshops, seminars, conferences, public outreach and dissemination of results.

Visiting Fellows

Visiting Western Fellows, who are internationally established or emerging scholars, thinkers, and/or leaders from across the university, government and private sectors, are invited on the basis of excellence and fit to the theme.

Postdoctoral Scholars

Western Academy Postdoctoral Scholars will also be appointed to work with Western Fellows and Visiting Western Fellows during the duration of a theme. In addition, The Western Academy will support applications for prestigious postdoctoral fellowships through other venues, for example, Canada’s Banting postdoctoral program.