Program Overview

Science and BMSc students typically begin working with the Science Co-op Office during the fall of year 2 or year 3. Co-op work terms can begin once the academic term ends. To complete the program, students must accumulate a minimum of 12 months of co-op work experience, with the option to complete up to 20 months of practical, science-related work. Students may choose to undertake a 4-month summer co-op work term following year 2, followed by 8 to 16 months of work between year 3 and year 4, or they can complete the entire 12-month requirement between their third and fourth years.

Graduation is delayed by one year while students acquire marketable skills and workplace experience. During their work term, students will be recognized as having full-time status at Western. The work term must be paid and related to their program of study.

Program Structure

To participate in the Western Science Co-op Program, you must meet the eligibility criteria. If admitted to the program, the administrators will formally enroll you in the course Science 3391 - Co-op Preparation, Experience, and Reflection. If you entered the program in year 2 and did not secure a co-op position, then your enrollment is rolled over to year 3 and you continue to search for a position. If you do not secure a co-op position in year 3, your enrollment in Science 3391 does not continue (there is no academic penalty – no WDN or F), and you return to complete your final year of school. If you are successful in securing and completing 12 months of co-op experience and the associated course, you will earn 1.0 credit.

Please note that registration for Science 3391 on Student Centre is not required. Science 3391 does not count towards a 5.0 full-time course load, nor does it count towards a course "overload." Please register for your courses as you normally would.

The course is comprised of three components:

  1. Co-op Preparation (including Finding a Job)
  2. On the Job Experience
  3. Final Report and Presentation

Co-op Preparation

It is imperative, in this highly competitive recruitment market, that you are able to demonstrate proficiency in your respective technical/research areas and that you possess strong interpersonal skills as well as a basic understanding of business practices. That's why our workshop series initially focuses on self-marketing including résumé development, as well as interview and networking skills. In the second semester, workplace concepts and behaviours are explored to prepare students to fit into the professional environment. 

Attendance and participation in the workshops are mandatory. An individual résumé review is also required so that you receive feedback on how to best present yourself to employers. The workshop series will be conducted virtually.

Finding a Job

Apply to any jobs that you are qualified for: The employer may not specifically ask for your degree or program, but you may have applicable course work. Don’t be picky at the application stage!

After an interview, you have 48 hours to notify Science Career Services if you do not wish to be considered further for the job. If you remain in the applicant pool, it is assumed you are open to a job offer. If a company extends an offer within the 48-hour period before you remove yourself, you are not obligated to accept it. You typically have 48 hours to consider and accept an offer. We can assist you in understanding your options and making clear decisions. Please consult with us before declining any offers.

On the Job Experience

This component refers to each 4–16-month co-op work term. The employer will complete one performance review for a 4-month term and two performance reviews for an 8–16-month co-op work term. These performance reviews will be submitted to the co-op program office. Additionally, a site visit will be conducted during the work term to reflect on your accomplishments to date.

Final Report & Presentation

After your final work term, you will be required to submit a written report and deliver an oral presentation focusing on the technical and non-technical aspects of your co-op experience. A departmental representative will assign a pass/fail grade to the written technical report and the oral presentation. In addition, students participating in a 4-month co-op between their second and third year are also required to complete a short report reflecting on their summer co-op experience.

Following the successful completion of all three components, you will return to Western University to finish your undergraduate studies.