Program Timeline & Responsibilities

Program Timeline

Below we have outlined the expected timeline of an applicant to the Science Co-op Program:

  1. Attend an Information Session about the Science Co-op Program in September.
  2. Apply and obtain approval to participate in the Science Co-op program ( ) and review the Science 3391 course information.
  3. Attend the first class of Science 3391, when announced, in order to be enrolled in the course.
  4. Actively participate in Science 3391 throughout the academic year.
  5. Check Western Connect regularly for updated job postings.
  6. Follow job application procedures as outlined in each job description.
  7. Attend interviews as requested by employers.

Student Responsibilities

It is expected that the student will:

  • Provide accurate and appropriate information regarding their qualifications and interests throughout the recruitment process
  • Attend all scheduled interviews and notify at Western at least 24 hours in advance if an interview must be rescheduled or cancelled
  • Follow the prescribed procedures for accepting job offers.
  • Honor the acceptance of the offer, since it is a contractual agreement with both the Employer and the University.

Current Co-op Student Responsibilities

While on the job, it is expected that the co-op student will demonstrate professionalism:

  • Be responsible, accountable, and demonstrate initiative.
  • Respect colleagues, safety and the environment
  • Demonstrate ethical and professional judgment.
  • Be punctual, resourceful, adaptable, and productive.
  • Recognize and respect the Employer/Employee relationship
  • Will strictly adhere to employer’s policies regarding proprietary rights of research and technology.