
The standard for progression is 78%, based on the final marks in the first three full courses or the equivalent. Students must maintain an average of at least 78%. Students who fail to do so will be required to withdraw from the program.

Starting in year 3, students must submit to the graduate chair, through the graduate coordinator, an annual departmental Progression Report by June 1 of each year. This must first be reviewed and signed by the student's supervisor before being submitted for review and signature of the Grad Chair.

In accordance with paragraph 4.03(b) in the regulations of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS), the maximum period of registration in the doctoral progam is six calendar years from initial registration. Students who require more time to complete their studies will meet with the graduate chair and submit a written plan of completion. Students not making regular progress towards completion after six years of study are subject to involuntary withdrawal. Any decision by the chair of graduate studies to withdraw a student on grounds of failure to progress may be appealed to the Vice-Provost (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies).