Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to receive Educational Assistance funding?

Those who are eligible to receive Educational Assistance funding include:

  • Regular full time staff
  • Other employees covered by collective agreements, as specified
  • Other employment contracts, as specified
  • Staff who are actively employed at the beginning and end of the course, are on an approved leave, or a regular reoccurring absence (e.g. Sessional)

If you are unsure if you are eligible to receive Educational Assistance funding, please use ASK HR to contact Human Resources.

What types of courses are covered under the Educational Assistance plan?

Courses that are eligible for Educational Assistance include:

  • Courses related to current or future employment at Western
  • Courses with a series of academic lectures which culminate in an examination

Examples include: Western credit courses, Western non-credit courses (Continuing Studies or Western Technology Services (WTS), credit or non-credit courses from other accredited Canadian universities or colleges.

If you are unsure if a course/program is eligible for funding, please complete the Application for Educational Assistance form, and check “Approval”.

Do you provide tuition advances?

Educational Assistance provides advance tuition funding for a number of courses, so that you will not have to personally provide payment and seek reimbursement.

  • Western Credit Courses: Provided a staff member has completed a course for credit (1/2 or full) at the University while eligible for Educational Assistance, advance payment is available for future courses.  A tuition statement is required.  For UWOSA represented employees, advance funding is available on the first credit course taken.
  • Continuing Studies at Western: Available on most professional development and post-degree courses and programs. Contact Continuing Studies for more information.
  • Western WTS Courses: Available on all course offerings.
  • Courses from Other Canadian Accredited Colleges and Universities: Considered on a case-by-case basis when the financial burden is considerable.

Can I carry forward unused funds from year to year?

No. Unused funds cannot be carried forward to increase available funds for future years.

Does my supervisor have to approve courses in order for me to receive Educational Assistance?

No. If you are eligible to receive Educational Assistance funding according to your employee agreement, you do not need approval from your supervisor to take a course. If, however, your course takes place during work hours, you must seek approval from your supervisor to see if time away from work is possible. To ensure that operational needs are met, you and your supervisor may establish alternate work arrangements.

For Librarian and Archivists, the University Librarian is required to approve the application for educational assistance, in accordance with the Collective Agreement.

What happens if I don’t successfully complete a course or if I no longer work at Western?

If you received advance payment for a course and you do not successfully complete it, or you leave Western before the course ends, you are required to reimburse the University for the full cost of the course.

If you did not receive advance payment, you will not be eligible to receive reimbursement for the course from the University.

Is it possible to receive additional funding in excess of my annual Educational Assistance limit?

Please review your employee group’s collective agreement to learn about any additional provisions for funding (e.g. Professional Expense Reimbursement). Additionally, you may wish to consult your supervisor to find out if your unit or department is able to provide additional funding.

Can I receive Educational Assistance for courses taken at accredited universities or colleges outside of Canada?

Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please use ASK HR to contact Human Resources.

Who do I contact for guidance about taking part-time credit courses at Western?

Admissions offers information and support to mature students wishing to pursue undergraduate degrees at Western.

The School of Graduate and Post Doctoral Studies offers information about pursuing graduate studies at Western. For more information, please contact James Taron or visit the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website.

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