Western ranks as one of Canada’s top research-intensive universities. From fundamental to applied discovery and other scholarly activities, its scholars advance knowledge that provides tangible benefits for the economic, social, health and cultural development of citizens in London, in Canada and around the world.
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Western in 
Like dictators before him, Trump threatens international peace and security
Canadian leaders must situate Donald Trump’s dangerous rhetoric in the language of international law and state-to-state relations.
AI dating is about data, not love: How to resist the tech takeover of romance
Tech companies have woven AI into everything from facial recognition software to voice-activated assistants and sexbots. Now, it’s being inserted into online dating.
L’Australie interdira les médias sociaux aux adolescents. Le Canada devrait-il faire de même ?
Alors que la loi canadienne sur les préjudices en ligne est débattue, les députés pourraient se tourner vers d’autres pays, comme l’Australie, pour obtenir des conseils.