CIHR Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP)
This opportunity is currently closed. Information about upcoming calls will be added to this page when available.
The Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) program supports focused interdisciplinary collaborative research projects involving participation from the natural sciences or engineering community together with the health sciences community. Proposed research projects must be innovative, have a strong focus on knowledge translation (KT), and lead to health benefits for Canadians including more effective health services, and/or economic development in health-related areas. All applicant teams are required to demonstrate that they will engage and collaborate with a knowledge/technology user that could benefit from the results of the research. Typically, support will be for up to three years for defined projects with clear milestones and decision points.
The CHRP program is jointly funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). For more information, please consult ResearchNet Funding Opportunities for program details.
Important Dates
LOI Review (completed by RD&S) |
June 10, 2019 |
ROLA submission due |
June 18, 2019 |
LOI Internal Submission |
June 21, 2019 |
LOI External Submission |
June 25, 2019 |
Submission of draft for review and feedback by Research Development |
October 1, 2019 |
ROLA submission due |
October 23, 2019 |
Internal full application |
October 23, 2019 |
External Submission (2 p.m.) |
October 29, 2019 |
Submission Process
Letter of Intent (Phase I)
- The LOI must be submitted by the PI using ResearchNet login. Please follow the detailed LOI instructions provided.
- There is no requirement for a budget at the LOI stage.
- There is no cash contribution requirement for this funding opportunity.
- Attachments to be included in this submission:
- Biosketch CV (Principal Applicants (2) and Knowledge User)
- Proposal Information 5 pages max (LOI)
- Research Proposal Appendix 1 page max (References)
- Complete Summary of Research Proposal 1 page max
- Signed letter of support from Knowledge User
- Knowledge User profile 1/2 page max
- Statement of Ownership (if applicable)
- Participant table
- Certificates of Completion of the sex- and gender-based analysis training modules (Principal Applicants (2))
Full Application (Phase II - upon invitation)
- For full application details please see ResearchNet instructions
- The Full Application must be submitted by the PI using ResearchNet login. The final submission to the CHRP program will be done by the Research Development office on the deadline day.
- Applications must be submitted by the deadline date. Please contact RD&S as soon as possible as you work through your application.
- Full applications for the CHRP program must also include a separate ROLA proposal.
For more information, or questions relating to the CHRP program, please contact Natalie Wu.