Module 3: The Process of Research Partnerships

This module provides an overview of the different stages in a research partnership and presents different strategies that support success.

Learning Objectives

By the end of module 3, you will be able to:

  • Identify potential research partners that might be interested in, impacted by, or able to influence research;
  • Understand key stages of the research partnership cycle; and
  • Select considerations, activities, and strategies relevant to the stage of partnership.

Content Overview

Content Overview Section Titles
  • Potential research partners that might be interested in, impacted by, or able to influence research.
  • Key stages of the research partnership cycle.
  • Considerations, activities, and strategies relevant to the stage of partnership.
  • Research partnership stages:
    • Scoping and identifying potential partners
    • Cultivation, outreach, and development
    • Defining the research partnership
    • Execution and evaluation
    • Stewardship and growth
  • Practical steps, tips, and context for potential challenges.