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August 31, 2023: The Mathematics of Neural Networks Theme Wraps Up
The Mathematics of Neural Networks research theme is wrapping up. Since it launched in Fall 2022, the team has made great progress in developing new techniques for understanding brains, both biological and artificial. Notably, the theme has laid the foundations for an international team that will continue to produce transformative research well beyond the theme's tenure at the Western Academy. We will keep you updated on emerging developments from the "Mathematics of Neural Networks" theme as they continue to bridge the gap between mathematics, artificial intelligence, and medical practice in the months and years to come.
Theme highlights:
New Developments about a Rare Neurological Disorder
Renowned Mathematician Collaborates with Western Team to Map Human Brain
Breakthrough Sheds Light on Artificial Intelligence
A New Approach to Understanding Complex Neural Processes
Neural Networks Theme Hosts Summer Residency
Research Theme Hosts 2022 Western-Fields Summer School