Board Deadlines & Timelines

The Health Sciences Delegated REB and the Non-Medical REB ceased accepting documents in hard copy effective January 1, 2013. This includes the original submission and all post-approval forms (revisions, deviations, continuing ethics review forms, FYI forms, etc.).

Health Sciences Research Ethics Board

  • Full Board Deadlines2024 & 2025
    • If study is affiliated with Lawson, please note that Lawson's institutional signature is required prior to your application being received by the OHRE for review.  Please ensure that your application is submitted 2 days prior to an REB deadline for Lawson signature.
  • Delegated Level 1 & 2 Submission Deadlines:
    • No Submission Deadlines 
  • Delegated Review Timelines:
    PLEASE NOTE: The timelines indicated below begin a) after Lawson affiliated studies are signed over to the HSREB and/or b) after they are deemed complete from a preliminary review/triaging process by the Office of Human Research Ethics. This means that the timelines may not start on the date of submission/signature.
    • Delegated Level 1 initial submissions are reviewed approximately two weeks after they are deemed complete (depending on volume).
    • Delegated Level 2 initial submissions are reviewed approximately three-four weeks after they are deemed complete (depending on volume).
    • Amendment submissions are reviewed approximately two-three weeks after they are deemed complete (depending on volume).

Non-Medical Research Ethics Board

  • Full Board Deadlines2024 & 2025
  • Delegated Board 
    • No Submission Deadlines
    • Review Timeline: Submissions are reviewed approximately three-four weeks after they are deemed complete (depending on volume).
  • Amendments
    • Review Timeline: Submissions are reviewed approximately two weeks after they are deemed complete (depending on volume).