Protocol Submission: Cadaveric Research (CREB)
Please ensure you read the following steps before submitting your protocol.
- Applies to research involving use of donated bodily specimens
- All specimens need to be obtained from the Anatomy and Cell Biology Body Bequeathal Program at Western University
- Any specimens not obtained from the Body Bequethal Program must be submitted on a Health Science Application form (Delegated Level 2).
- Cadaveric Guidance Document
- Appendix II - Policies and Procedures
- Appendix III - Request for Photography/Videography
- Supporting documentation (protocol). (Guidelines)
- Specimens are obtained from the Anatomy and Cell Biology Body Bequeathal Program at Western University
How to Submit your Protocol
- Submit the protocol and supporting documentation electronically using WesternREM.
- You will need to submit 2 applications to our office: the HSREB Initial Application form (Ethics oversight) and the Cadeveric Initial Application (Specimen oversight).
Submitting Revised Protocols
All revised study documents must have version dates (e.g., dd/mmm/yyyy) in the footer of all study documents. Version dates identify the latest edition of study documents. Version dates, including the day, written month and year should be included in the footer of all study documents. If a study document requires further modification based on comments received during the REB review process, the version date must be modified to reflect the most recent edition of the study document.
Please also ensure to submit one copy with tracked changes, and a clean copy of all revised study document(s).