2024 Fred Pattison Lecture Series - A Recap

The 2024 Fred Pattison Lecture Series, featuring Dr. Jenny Y. Yang from the University of California, Irvine, was a remarkable event held on May 14th and 15th at 3M Centre, Room 3250. Dr. Yang delivered two insightful seminars on cutting-edge topics in chemistry:

  1. Seminar #1: CO2 Capture, Concentration, and Conversion
    • This seminar delved into electrochemical CO2 capture methods and recent advancements in integrating capture and conversion systems.
  2. Seminar #2: Using Proximal Cations to Install Internal Electric Fields in Transition Metal Complexes
    • Dr. Yang explored the role of non-redox active cations in catalysis, shedding light on the mechanisms behind reactivity enhancement.

We express our heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Jenny Y. Yang for her enlightening lectures and to all attendees for their active participation, contributing to the success of the event.

For further information visit Fred Pattison Distinguished Lectureships page.