
The Bruker AvanceIII HD Console, Autosampler and Magnet.

Bruker AVIII HD 400 (B400)

  • Utilizes an H/FX Bruker 5mm SmartProbe with Automated Tuning and Matching (ATM)
  • Bruker SampleMail with 24-position SampleCase autosampler for automated usage. Samples are submitted to the sample queue and run in sequential order.
  • Capable of acquiring 1D 1H, 19F, 31P-109Ag NMR spectra in automation.
  • Capable of acquiring 2D 1H-{19F,31P-109Ag} NMR spectra in automation.
  • Room-temperature experiments only.
  • Utilizes CentOS 7.2 and Bruker's Icon 5 NMR software package.
  • Ideal for beginners or infrequent users of the NMR facility.
The INOVA 600 Console and Magnet.

Varian INOVA 600 (I600)

  • Utilizes a direct detection Auto-XDB probe capable of performing 1D and 2D NMR experiments involving 1H and 13C without modifications to the probe.
  • Indirect and detect detection of odd-nuclei, such as 11B, 29Si, 77Se.
  • Walk-up instrument. NMR time on the instrument must be booked using the FACES website. Time is limited to a maximum of 2 hours on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • Variable-temperature NMR experiments from -25 °C to +100 °C. Low-temperature experiments do not require cryogens for cooling.
  • Capable of performing solid-state NMR experiments with a 3.2mm MAS HXY probe.
  • Utilizes CentOS 6.8 and Varian's VnmrJ 4.2A NMR software package.

Bruker Neo 600 (B600)

  • Utilizes an H/FX 5mm Bruker iProbe with Automated Tuning and Matching (ATM)
  • Bruker SampleMail with 24-position SampleCase autosampler for easy sample managemet.
  • Capable of performing 1D and 2D NMR experiments involving 1H, 19F, 13C and 31P without modifications to the probe.
  • Indirect and detect detection of odd-nuclei, such as 11B, 29Si, 77Se.
  • Walk-up instrument. NMR time on the instrument must be booked using the FACES website. Time is limited to a maximum of 2 hours on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • Solid-state NMR experiments can be performed using either a Bruker 4mm MAS HX iProbe, a Phoenix 2.5mm MAS HX probe or a Phoenix 5.0mm statix HX probe.
  • Utilizes CentOS 8.8 and Bruker's TopSpin 4.1.4 NMR software package.

The Bruker 600 Console, Magnet and Autosampler

Varian Infinity Plus 400 (I+400)

  • Wide-bore magnet used exclusively for solid-state NMR experiments.
  • Six Varian/Chemagnetics probes available for use: 3.2mm MAS HX, 4.0mm MAS HXY, 5.0mm MAS HFXY, 7.5mm HXY, 9.5mm HXY, static 5/10mm HX.
  • 3-channel spectrometer with two high-power (kW) broadband amplifiers, plus high-power proton and fluorine amplifiers.
  • Depending on the probe, variable-temperature NMR experiments can be performed from -140 °C to +250 °C.
  • Utilizes Solaris and Chemagnetics' Spinsight 4.2.3 NMR software.

The Infinity Plus 400 MAS Unit, Magnet, Console, and Computer